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Joined on March 14, 2024


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Good show and better than Hill House imo, even if it runs into some similar problems that Hill House did toward the end. The immediate praise I have to give is that the cinematography and locale are absolutely lush and gorgeous. This is a beautifully directed show that, aside from some occasional li

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This episode has easily two of, if not my absolute favorite, scenes in the entire show. The conversation between Steve and Hugh in the car where Steve essentially just wallows in pure, unbridled self hatred before admitting why he and Leigh have been estranged was fucking captivating. The exact same

Great episode. Serious highlight. Seeing the family members in complete and utter despair and anguish as they mourn Nellie was absolutely amazing. Loved seeing how the different family members uniquely grieved given their relationship with Nellie. Theo, emotionally drained character she already is,

Dexter (2006)

S07 E10 · The Dark... Whatever
Actually thoroughly enjoyed this episode, writing issues aside. Seeing Dexter come to grips with his culpability in his actions was a long time coming, but felt mostly earned in light of everything that he’s gone through this season so far. His scenes with Hannah towards the end, even if I yet again

I still prefer S1 overall because I think S1 is just a tighter and more focused experience while also having a finale that does a better job at bleeding over into the next season and making the events feel like they have legitimate weight and consequence. Other than that, though, really great season

I can already tell, thank Christ, that even if the ending is as contrived and anticlimactic as I remembered it, I’m still gonna enjoy it based on my general feelings toward the rest of the season thus far. Seeing Dexter wrestle with the reality of what really happened with Harry was incredible. Some

Dexter (2006)

S02 E10 · There's Something About Harry
Dexter and Doakes’ interactions were absolute fucking PEAK. Seeing these two butt heads, now seeing each other for who they truly are, was amazing. Especially amidst Dexter trying to decide who he is, it’s so amazing to see his interactions with an adversary that, in reality, he actually respects, r

Dexter (2006)

S02 E09 · Resistance Is Futile
Definitely get why this episode is a top favorite for a lot of people. Seeing Dexter and Doakes truly come to blows at the end was fuckin amazing. They also did a truly great job making you guess whether Dexter was truly about to get caught. Seeing Dexter try and repair things with Rita was beautifu

Seeing Lila reveal herself as the psycho yandere bitch she’s always been was great to see especially since it brought out Dexter’s rageful, protective side. Doakes now being completely on Dexter’s trail should make for one hell of an exciting rest of the season especially since Lundy and Co. are sta

Dexter (2006)

S02 E07 · That Night, a Forest Grew
Seeing Dexter discover his genuine love and care for Rita and the kids was amazing. He and Rita have been broke up for all of 1 episode and he already feels guilty lol. Seeing Dexter and Doakes come to serious blows was also fantastic. This definitely feels like a major turning point for Dexter beca

Dexter (2006)

S02 E06 · Dex, Lies, and Videotape
It was extraordinarily frustrating to see Dexter throw his relationship with Rita away, but on rewatch and with all the identity crisis he’s been in the thralls of, I find it believable that he’d start to make rebellious decisions, the type of decisions that dismantle Harry’s idea of his life. Doesn

Dexter (2006)

S02 E05 · The Dark Defender
Great episode. Serious highlight of the entire show. Seeing Dexter confront a figure from deep in his past was absolutely enthralling especially in light of the identity crisis he’s spent the whole season wrapped up in. The scene where he essentially falls into Lila’s arms was wholesome as hell in a

The reveal of what’s been going on with Pascal’s personal life conjures some…interesting feelings on Laguerta’s character, most of them negative lmao. On the other hand, seeing Deb try and form a functional relationship was definitely interesting. I always forget how weirdly chill her bf during this

Dexter (2006)

S02 E03 · An Inconvenient Lie
Surprisingly, I’m actually starting to warm up to the addict plot line. That’s mostly because every time I rewatch this season, I’m reminded about just how goddamn entertaining Lila’s character is lol. Like she’s clearly a crazy bitch (As we will see plenty of later on), but good lord do I not at al

Dexter (2006)

S02 E02 · Waiting to Exhale
REALLY do not know how I feel about the ending of this episode tbh. On the one hand, I definitely get why Rita has…mixed feelings about Dexter’s general behavior and I actually don’t necessarily think it’s a huge stretch that she would jump to the conclusion that she does given her history with Paul

Great start to the season. Love seeing Dexter legitimately struggle in the wake of what happened with Brian. Makes total sense given what Dexter was forced to do. There’s one line here that I fucking love, one I think epitomizes the state Dexter is in at the start of this season “When I picked up th

Yeah, this is easily my favorite season of the show. Just has everything. The villain is by far the most personally connected to Dexter and therefore, tests Dexter the most morally and emotionally. The sub plots (While still not that great) are at their peak due to my interest in characters like Doa

Not quite as good as I’d remembered it, but still stellar. The Ice Truck Killer is such a great character because he’s essentially the complete opposite of Dexter. He’s everything Dexter could’ve become without Harry’s guidance and without the grounding compassion and love of people like Rita and De

On rewatch, I’m kinda bouncing back and forth between whether or not I think Rudy should’ve been revealed a little later because knowing who he really is, to a certain extent, takes a bit out of the tension of the second half, but only to a certain extent. Otherwise, lightening fast episode. Learnin

The ultimate reveal of Dexter’s traumatic flashback that made him who he is was amazing. Of course, we truly learn about it in full next episode, but what we already get in this episode is pretty tantalizing to say the least. I will admit that I find Angel’s lead on the Ice Truck Killer that he find

Dexter (2006)

S01 E09 · Father Knows Best
Great episode. Not quite as good as I’d remembered it being, but still great. Deb was really frustrating, but I could understand why she was so angry with Dexter even if she lacked justifiable reasons. Learning about Dexter’s father was incredibly interesting and honestly says a lot about Dexter’s p

Yet another great episode. At first, I was a little weirded out by how fast the plot with the psychiatrist was moving, but I actually feel like that’s appropriate given how sinister of a character he ends up being. Shows he sees his patients more as objects than actual people. Also doesn’t hurt that

Dexter (2006)

S01 E07 · Circle of Friends
I was a little concerned that the ending reveal would make much of this episode feel pointless, but iirc, they avoid that by having it have legitimate consequences later on. Otherwise, enjoyable episode. One of my least favorites in the season, but still really good. Love seeing the continuation of