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Joined on January 3, 2022


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fun little first season. i’ve heard that the two leads won’t be returning for the now confirmed season 2, so that’s a little strange, but i was also kind of sick of them by the end. an anthology approach similar to white lotus might actually be good for this show, keep it fresh with new people. i th

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Survivor (2000)

Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites
this season is so deranged. if you’ve watched it once you probably remember some things (the brandon meltdown in particular) but on a rewatch it’s actually crazy how much just RIDICULOUS stuff goes on that’s easy to forget. the three amigos idol play, dawn and her teeth, corinne trying to collect ga

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god i don’t know, i thought this was a little weird. if it had been a work of fiction i would’ve said this was like the show of the year (the latter half of the year, i miss u succession 💔), but it’s not and that makes it kind of….odd. there is a level of sympathy here for elizabeth holmes and sunn

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cirie fields my sun and stars!!!!

so funny and sweet and sad. not super ethical but who cares lmao. does not have scrubs vibes at all despite being about medical professionals, including half the cast, and obviously being produced by the same people. i think all those stories about jason segal being the sweetest guy ever have charme

y’all are so dramatic, there have for sure been worse seasons of this show. the middle few episodes were slightly meh but i thought it had a strong start and a fantastic finish. a lot of fun!

there’s something about this that feels kind of… pointless? not in a bad way. but obviously due to the anthology type set up nothing is going to have a long term impact across seasons, and within their single season arcs characters rarely display any actual growth. it’s mostly just watching bad shit

that was one of the most bonkers series finales i’ve ever seen. a solid hour of crying over laika the space dog and then that insane shit. tracy stevens i love you with my life. i got the horrific space violence i asked for but at what cost??

there were aspects of this season that felt a little rushed in comparison to last, especially in regards to the way they dropped kristen’s descent into evil storyline. i feel like we peaked with her beating leland with her shoe and i am gonna miss that energy. i also think each season the villains b

okay yeah that’s more like it!! the show is still kinda cheesy and low budget but this second season had me gripped!! the silent monastery episode was so endearing and it made me so nostalgic for the best episodes of buffy. on top of that they also gave us the god helmet episode, the elevator game,

this is such a weird one because i really don’t think most of the characters (aside from leslie really and maybe ben) are very loveable or even that likeable, which would usually make or break a sitcom for me. i’ve actually never seen a worse case of caricatures rather than characters outside the bi

only gay people shows from now on. thanks.

this show is always slightly frustrating to watch because the amount of threads to follow each episode is just…absolutely insane. somehow they manage to tie up every single loose end though, and the satisfaction of that is just chefs kiss. the way horror elements are consistently mixed in always mak