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Joined on December 31, 2021


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Everything really came full circle. I can't believe it; Mindy did it again.

It's reminiscent of SU but I found it to be more enjoyable and contained. It also kind of reminds me of gravity falls. I also like how Barney's transness is talked about and it wasn't voyeuristic.

This season felt a bit more grounded and yet sparse. I'm surprised that they gave Nadia and Aparna full arcs. However, the song selection when Nadia broke up with Shekar and when Vishal broke up with Nadia was nasty.

I enjoyed how this season focused on tuca and her family dynamics but at the same time, I think they could've gone deeper. The animation is in this season was absolutely stellar and creative.

I honestly loved this season and the emotional journey Bernie went on.

Boring at times but still quite fun and intriguing. Cast all around has a good chemistry w/ one another

I rewatched this with my sister and wow, this season was really good and well plotted especially for a kids show. I know HBO max cut out some scenes but I'm still baffled on why s3 was so absolute dogshit after watching this.

This is actually very endearing. I actually liked the addition of the romantic subplot as well. I feel like this slightly better than the manga imo

The direction is actually good. It's not as violent as i thought.

So I just finished First Kill and in the words of Eric Effiong, it's bad, very very bad. I wished there were at least two more eps in the beginning to develop their relationship outside of the who star crossed lover thing and the voiceovers. The CGI reminded me so much of teen wolf and Netflix shoul

I see why this show would be tumblerized but at the same time, I don't. I do think it's a love story but not like heartstopper. To me, it's more of coming of age, I enjoyed it. I'll definitely watch the 2nd season but I preferred the side characters stories and arcs more.

this is great adaption of the movie.

there's so much to say but sum it up, this show was not good. It was aggressively mid and I didn't like how they wrote Deb and Caryn. Also one of thee whitest gay shows I've watched lol

I really want to like this. It's digestible, fun, and it actually makes me laugh. I absolutely adores romances that take place in the entertainment industry. This show is very typical love / hate kdrama but I can't ignore the africa / Luca storyline and the almost dick flash left a bad taste in my m

This was really cute. I think the first, and last two episodes were the strongest.

I wish there was slightly higher stakes at times but at the same time, I think that would take from the heart of the show which is the teachers and their students. Not to sound corny but it was breath of fresh air.

I maybe a basic bitch but I ate this up! They're some scenes that are mediocre imitations of the classic regency era stories and their adaptions. But this season reminds me of my wattpad days and why I ate those stories up. The chemistry was EXCELLENT and watching this with my sister as well was a d

This show could be better but it is so fun and endearing. I just love it so much. It's kind of a love letter to millennial women and that subculture no matter how corny it can be sometimes.

I will say that this season was definitely funnier than the last especially the Christmas scene with Tom's family. All of the actors had excellent chemistry and were comedic timing. They were great. I still have the same critiques but the show is really endearing and I do want a third season to see