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Joined on September 17, 2024


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Story is much more engaging compared to the second season but the issue with this show is that the animation is absolute ass and it’s off putting especially during the important scenes, I think the first season is still the greatest due to the mystery surrounding it

It was cool to see more dragon ball especially with better animation & production. It started off great but then we started seeing several nothing burger episodes where if they disappeared nothing would change and the writing and pacing in those eps were crap, the last few episodes were massively

I was expecting a bit more from the fight and the explanation for Ssj4 is the definition of an ass pull, there’s quite a few plotholes when it comes to super which I doubt will be mentioned, the ending was decent at best

Just as good as “an idiot abroad” but the difference is there’s no Ricky and Stephen to interfere

This is one of them shows where the further you watch the sillier it gets, the first 5 seasons are great then it kinda dips but there’s still some gold here and there.

The issue with this is the “what ifs” are so boring they could do absolutely anything with this concept and yet they choose the most bland ideas ever, I’ve heard this is ending soon which is a shame because they’re sitting on a gold mine

The structure of the show is all over the place and some characters for some reason just disappear, another thing that was annoying was them sidelining the Gallagher family for the Maguires, the things the UK version does better than the US version is the humour and that it feels way more realistic.

Elena annoys the fuck outta me she’s self centred and selfish, Damon’s attitudes pisses me off and Bonney deserved WAY better through out this show