Backdrop poster for Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (2016)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (2016)
Poster for Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
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I won't even attempt to be objective or give any rating, but this is probably my most rewatched series of all time. There have been rewatches where all I could think of were the flaws and I've had more recent watches where I was kind of wow-ed by the quality. Some quick-fire thoughts I remember having on my last few rewatches; 1) The movie is universally accepted as god-awful and in my opinion, the multi-show arc is handled clumsily. 2) The 3d animation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, the humans often look off or unpleasant for awhile before you become accustomed to it. However, , the environments and the trolls look vibrant and intriate! To be honest, 2D animation in the art style of the outro would've ate, but the original style is too nostalgic to me now. 3) Jim Lake Jr. grew on me exponentially on my rewatch once I was his age and continued growing on me even more rapidly once I was older than him. Love that dude and Anton Yelchin's Jim voice is so incredibly iconic and comforting to me. 4) I fucking hate Toby. Very rarely do I like to hear from him or see what does. He's either pervy or a walking fat joke for the majority of his screentime. #1 Toby hater. 5) The worldbuilding is so well done and doesn't get nearly enough praise.


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