I love this show. There is a lot of lore going in this world. The designs of the trolls are very beautiful. The voice actors are fabulous and are all excellent! It's got big names like Mark Hamill, Anton Yelchin and Kelsey Grammer.
It's a favourite of mine for when I need a pallet cleanser after a
I won't even attempt to be objective or give any rating, but this is probably my most rewatched series of all time. There have been rewatches where all I could think of were the flaws and I've had more recent watches where I was kind of wow-ed by the quality. Some quick-fire thoughts I remember havi
Honestly this season is a pure masterpiece in fantasy storytelling. Jim is easily a top 3 TV protagonist for me and this season proves his pure heroism and what he has to sacrifice in order to protect both human and trollkind.