Backdrop poster for The Bear (2022)
The Bear (2022)
Poster for The Bear
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The Bear (2022)
Probably the weakest season of The Bear yet. It really drags its heels in regard to all of its major characters' storylines, none of which really feel substantial enough to last a whole season, and then they have the audacity to resolve basically none of them and leave it hanging for a fourth season. It's telling that most of the season's best episodes are the ones that are able to tell more isolated, complete stories. The Bear has gotten too addicted to its own serialization, too comfortable in the fact that it's primarily a streaming show. It needs to recapture that old magic because if I wasn't invested in these characters from the previous seasons, would I really want to see where the story goes next that badly? Favorite episode: Napkins

The BearFX


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Perfect review. Agree w/every word.
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Extremely real + based
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I think that’s because the story is not complete yet, the whole season was the base of it, this season focuses more on the characters and their back stories and details we needed to know before going through the end of their journey..
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