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Joined on January 11, 2022


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What an incredible season of television that was. The Gemma storyline alone makes this one of my all time favorites. Batshit crazy, original and beautiful. A little Dollhouse, a little Fringe. A lot of fun. If Irving doesn’t come back I’ll take down Lumon myself!

[to the top of my lungs] IRVINGGGGGGGGGGG

One Tree Hill (2003)

S06 E01 · Touch Me I'm Going to Scream
Should’ve been Mouth’s last episode!

Way stronger than I remembered it to be. Especially the first half, last couple episodes kinda lost some steam, but we can blame the writers strike for the mess. Mouth and his boss kinda the worst storyline on the entire show. Oh and I’ll never forgive them for changing the wedding scene song from “

One Tree Hill (2003)

S05 E08 · Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
Probably Hilarie's best acting on the show

Yellowjackets (2021)

S03 E04 · 12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis
Would it kill Shauna to be a little less of a cunt??

The first like 5ish episodes are kinda bad but after that it’s a great season. My biggest complain is everyone’s style is so bad it kinda makes it painful to watch. Who was dressing and in charge of their hairstyles! The CW will pay for their crimes one day…

The Oscars (1953)

S73 E01 · 97th Academy Awards
Boring as hell. Whatever happened to fun??!

I could teach a class on how much I love this season.

I don’t know how much more my brain can take…

Not as good as season 1 but definitely not as bad as I thought it’d be based on the comments as it aired. Some great episodes and memorable scenes. The girls dancing in the snow Lightning Crashes playing oh that was a classic!

Gaggy clocked Danielle so bad oh mother!!

The third best season! I've rewatched this show more times than I care to admit and it doesn't get old, it has such a special place in my heart. So many iconic events happen this season, the Naley tour drama, Tric opening, the Jules of it all, Deb's descent into madness, Dan's evil plans reaching in

Now why did Abby telling Kelly “it was nice talking to you” made me cry? Can’t these crazy kids just work it out! (I know they won’t)

Janelle had those girls crying screaming and throwing up! Ivette’s an idiot for not throwing that last comp so Janelle could evict Maggie for her without having to betray The Friendship herself. Maggie did not deserve the money. Here’s how The Sovereign Six can still win…

Kind of the worst season so far, the middle section dragged like crazy but the final 5 ish episodes were very good and that finale was bag shit crazy.

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Some low points here and there but overall a very fun season!

This being the best episode so far… so gorgeous to look at, the cinematography was insane!

Second half was so good but the Maya mystery in the first half kinda sucked ngl

It was gag after gag! But they set my sister up, there’s no way it was here! [redacted] is innocent!

Why did it start getting actually good by the end…