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Joined on October 5, 2023


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I was entertained for sure, but I think definitely think some things are missing or fell flat. I think the issues lay in the writing, because this main cast was phenomenal. Each of them were extremely captivating and great to watch. I also always get a kick out of actors having to play characters wh

This literally kick started my seasonal depression but yaknow what…I can’t even be mad

Put off watching this for so long and I very much regret that, I actually had a lot of fun watching this.

Oh wow would you look at that more vampire media I’ve fallen in love with.

My heart indeed stopped…many times :,)

This show has changed the trajectory of my life in the best way possible.

I know a lot of people did not like this season and wanted more battles and deaths but I really love watching character centered episodes and shows. Watching the characters grow, how they think and why, things like that is something I greatly enjoy so I liked this season a lot in that aspect.

I hate to say it…but riot ate with this. I’m very late to the hype party but I totally get it now and am fully seated for S2!

This show is phenomenal. To the art style, the compelling story and characters, to even the amazing soundtracks. Although the story of these characters is over, I will be rewatching their stories over and over again forever. Season 1 is nothing like you’d expect when you hear there’s a League of L

We were winning with bi buck at the beginning…but I feel like this season had odd pacing and felt underwhelming at times. The actors killed it yet again, but some of the writing just felt during some episodes.

I am now a certified Maya Lopez stan through and through. While some of the pacing wasn’t really my favorite, I absolutely fell in love with the characters and dynamics. Seeing so much culture and how important and integral it was to the plot was truly beautiful. The fight scenes especially in the f

Stressed to oblivion but also in love with it all.

As someone who has loved Loki for years and years, and as much as I love the God of Stories plotline in the comics, I hated this ending for him in the MCU. Especially after all that character development, the ending just felt off in a way. The tone-shift of the last two episodes felt like whiplash

I think it was amazing in some areas and lacking in others. Not the greatest show but not the worst either. I did like a lot of the character development we got but 8 episodes was just not enough for how much we should have gotten.