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Joined on April 27, 2023


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Legacies (2018)

S03 E11 · You Can't Run From Who You Are
hope that is one fugly necklace we need your mikaelson and crescent moon ones back

Legacies (2018)

S02 E10 · This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies
the way season 2 has three TERRIBLE episodes then an average one until a spectacular one in 2x12 anyways alyssa is way too powerful in this episode

scott is a literal golden retriever also i love cece. she is a history and organised girly - underappreciated!! edit: didn't finish this show

losing points for killing off AJ and the detective knowingly making evidence inadmissible

liked the original episode but this followup one just isn't it

Legacies (2018)

S02 E09 · I Couldn't Have Done This Without You
definition of a filler episode

Supernatural (2005)

S07 E14 · Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
i hate clowns so much but the unicorn death was cool

Supernatural (2005)

S07 E08 · Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
excuse me. are you aaron burr, sir?!

Supernatural (2005)

S06 E16 · ...And Then There Were None
rip rufus but don’t care about samuel

Supernatural (2005)

S06 E02 · Two and a Half Men
sam you’re back to annoying me again and all these third cousins and zombie grandad is as well!! dean i can only trust you <3 and cass but idk where he is

paris hilton?????

dean called castiel ‘cas’ 🤭 stop that’s adorable

Supernatural (2005)

S03 E08 · A Very Supernatural Christmas
wow this episode is real popular but i found it so boring and i CANNOT believe i did because i adore christmas this just didn’t hit 🫣 maybe watching it in july didn’t help the ending was cute tho

he started doing what over her? 😶

it will always baffle me they do addiction episodes and then either not have spencer in them or not mention his addiction at all

luke knows sign language and is a dog trainer - i love when the agents have their own special skills that other team members don’t have

chanel oberlin famously said: ‘if you gave a human rat poison, they would immediately puke it all up. so not only would i have survived your attempt on my life, it would have also made me skinnier.’

luke got his friend a puppy i can’t 🥲🥲🥲

i was expecting cowboys

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when the bullied becomes the bully

penelope is like me by having so many theories about jfk

cool concept with the time capsule but it just didn’t pan out well

the idea was there the episode just wasn’t enjoyable