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Joined on September 24, 2023


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The Leftovers (2014)

S01 E10 · The Prodigal Son Returns
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Low 5/5, slightly worse than 1x12 but this was fucking beautiful. Last episode explored Don’s character extremely well while giving us some of the most shocking scenes of the show so far but this episode was more focused on the emotional charge. Scenes like the conversation between Betty and Glen

Mad Men (2007)

S01 E12 · Nixon vs. Kennedy
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The Leftovers (2014)

S01 E03 · Two Boats and a Helicopter
Bro there’s literally no way. In absolutely no world I would expect this show to get this good this fast. Pilot and second episode were kinda weak but they weren’t bad, but this episode is literally a massive jump in quality. Matt has potential to be one of the best side characters ever. This episod

Sorry if I didn’t make a long review but I never planned to make one about the full show anyways, EW review was enough for me. Anyways, amazing show with some of the best themes and messages in TV, maybe even the best show of all time in this aspect. The main characters are extremely well written an

One of the best seasons in all of TV. I’d say this is probably my Top 4-5 season of all time, cause it can go either way with The Wire S4 but the recency bias is telling me to put SFU S5 as the Top 4. The first 8 episodes were great and it gives a lot of depth to the characters that are now much mor

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Since no one told me that they didn’t want to be tagged I will tag the same people + someone that asked me to do it in this one because I forgot to do it in the one about The End. And speaking of that review, thank you all so fucking much! I logged that review a day ago and it already has more than

YOOO I’M CHANGING PFP!! Second best season of the show, I don’t care. S5 and S6 are the 2 most overhated seasons of all time. First half was a little weak but the second half is one of the best second halves in TV. 6x9, 6x11 and 6x14-6x17 are all masterpieces, specially The End. The way they handl

First of all and most important thing, I’ve decided to tag a lot of people that I know for sure they have seen this ending with only two exceptions of people who haven’t. I’m planning to tag the exact same people for the full show review so, in case you’re not interested and you don’t want to be tag

Lost (2004)

S06 E16 · What They Died For
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Low 5/5. Just a great episode. I loved the whole episode but specially since the moment the birthday party starts. SFU is a show that focuses on 4 main characters and gives them depth through a series of side characters that are also important, but I absolutely loved how those characters had a great

Lost (2004)

S06 E11 · Happily Ever After
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🎶You are so beautiful to me🎶 Exactly like I expected, TWD S10 is pure dogshit except for ONE single thing: Negan. Top 10 episode of the show. Top 1 of the season by a large margin.

THERE’S NO WAY THIS WAS A SIX FEET UNDER EPISODE ☠️☠️ THIS LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING HORROR MOVIE ☠️☠️ Probably one of the hardest watches ever. This episode almost gave me a fucking heart attack. Michael C Hall’s performance was absolutely amazing. Is it crazy to say this is Top 4 for me so far?

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