Since no one told me that they didn’t want to be tagged I will tag the same people + someone that asked me to do it in this one because I forgot to do it in the one about The End. And speaking of that review, thank you all so fucking much! I logged that review a day ago and it already has more than 90 likes and 200 comments, making it my most liked and most commented review in my whole account. I have no words to describe how thankful I am for the reception that this review had. Also, I wanted to say that this review won’t be nearly as long as The End review for 2 reasons: first one is that I was totally exhausted after finishing that review and I wouldn’t like to go through the same thing just the next day. I enjoyed making that review a lot but hours and hours of work gave me a headache. The second reason is that I feel that the most important stuff about the show was already explained in my last review, so I don’t think that I should be doing another yap session about every explanation. The way I will structure this review will be just saying my opinion about the show, followed by a series of lists about some categories of the show.
After 3 years I’m finally changing my number 1 show of all time. Watching Breaking Bad in 2022 was an amazing experience but the way I connected with this show was something else. I empathized with most of the characters, I loved every season and nearly every episode and the plot made me exaggeratedly invested at the point of even dreaming about it and thinking about what was going to happen next after I finished an episode. The whole journey was amazing and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end it.
25- Boone Carlyle: The sacrifice that the island demanded. This young man was Shannon’s step brother and, after following Locke in his adventures over the island, he ended up dying after finding a lost plane. This death in 1x20 is one of the saddest.
24- Miles Straume: The man that can talk with the dead ones. When he first came to the island at the beginning of S4 I didn’t enjoy his character too much but he ended up having some great peaks.
23- Charles Widmore: The plot twist in 4x6 when they reveal that the man that was supposed to be only Penny’s father was actually the one trying to find the island to exploit its resources was crazy, especially when you know that he was part of the Others at some point as well. Great antagonist.
22- Danielle Rousseau: Underrated character, every time she appeared on screen the episode had a more mysterious vibe. The responsible for the transmission of that French message in 1x2. One of the most tragic characters: the ones that got with her to the island were killed by something unknown, one of the Others kidnapped her baby and when she finally got to see her after years she was killed.
21- Claire Littleton: A character that has always been surrounded by mystery since the moment they tell her that only her can raise that baby and also when she’s kidnapped by Ethan. Best representation of motherhood in the show.
20- Michael Dawson: Annoying as hell character in the first season but he’s the type of character to get progressively better as the show goes on. After the Others kidnap Walt, Michael makes a deal with the Others that gets Ana Lucía and Libby killed. And his plot line in S4 when the Others tell him to get in Widmore’s boat was also interesting.
19- Ana Lucía Cortez: I know what most of you think but I don’t think I ever found Ana Lucía annoying at all. She was the Jack Shephard of the people from the back of the plane during 2x7 and the way they handle her guilt after killing Shannon is also great. Her conclusion was one of the most shocking ones.
18- Christian Shephard: Started being Jack’s father, the irresponsible doctor with an alcoholism problem and as the show went on he knew more and more about him. Like the fact that he’s Claire’s father as well or that amazing scene with Jack in The End. Characters that are the dead father of the protagonist are always amazing.
17- Daniel Faraday: Best character by far from the 4 ones that are introduced in the beginning of S4. He pretty much carried the show in some moments of S5 when he tried to change the curse of events. His contribution in The Constant is also amazing. One of the most underrated characters of the show.
16- Juliet Burke: Another character that looked insanely average when she was introduced in the beginning of S3 but, as soon as you learn about her backstory, you realize how great she is. They told her she was going to save lives and contribute to medicine in amazing ways but they trapped her on an island where she could never escape, and she even ended up dying on that same island.
15- Jin-Soo Kwon: Annoying character at first, but he ended up being one of the characters I loved the most. At first he couldn’t speak a single word of English but as he keeps learning, his character becomes more goated. When he sacrifices himself deciding not to abandon Sun in that submarine I was in love with him.
14- Charlie Pace: Amazing development of the way I viewed a character. During the pilots he pretty much looked like the comic relief of the show but the way they handle his character in S3 and especially his conclusion, they make him one of the saddest characters. “Not Penny’s Boat” 💔
13- Mr.Eko: Possibly the best character in S2 for me. Since the moment he shows up he looks like a very interesting character but when you learn about his backstory you realize how amazing he actually is. His conclusion in 3x5 grows on me every day.
12- Kate Austen: I admit she’s far from being my favorite character of the show and sometimes I wished she had less screen time but some people overhate her character too much. Some of her episodes in the show are amazing and she has one of the most iconic personalities. Her contribution in The End is great as well.
11- Sun-Hwa Kwon: My favorite female character of the show. Amazing development, one of the best dynamics of the show with Jin and some tragic moments. Her personality is so beautiful that you don’t even have to try to empathize with her. Both of the Koreans gave this show a different vibe sometimes.
10- Hugo Reyes ‘Hurley’: Comic relief of the show but with also some deep and complex moments. It’s not until you get to 1x18 that you understand why his character is important. The bad luck surrounding him because of the numbers, the way he could talk to dead people and how he was the one that ended up being the new Jacob were all stuff that made you love this dude.
9- Richard Alpert: Technically he was only very important in the last season but that was more than enough for me. His episode in 6x9 was amazing. He wanted to find his wife but the Devil cursed him with eternal life. After that happened he became one of the coldest characters by being the leader of the Others and Jacob’s interpreter. In my opinion, the most underrated character of the show.
8- Sayid Jarrah: The killer and torturer of the show, and even with that description, no one would dare to hate on this goat. His backstory episodes were so interesting that they could be an entire show on their own. He wasn’t able to find the woman he loved, Nadia, and Shannon died in his arms. All of those things pushed him to be the killer he’s been told he is but he died doing the right thing, saving everyone from the bomb.
7- Jacob: The protector of the island. Since the moment they start mentioning his name in S3 you notice the mystery surrounding his character. It’s amazing the fact that after he’s killed by Ben in the S5 finale is what makes his character even better in S6, especially when you know his backstory and his dynamic with MiB, one of the best ones of the entire show.
6- Man In Black: And speaking of him, the MiB. Without a doubt the most mysterious character of the show. He wanted to see what was across the sea when he found out his mother lied to him but Jacob turned him into the “smoke monster”. The evilness in the purest state and the one who tried to destroy the island. Impeccable antagonist.
5- James Ford ‘Sawyer’: Amazing character. At first, you picture him as a school bully and that’s it but when you find out about his backstory and the anger he has inside for wanting to take revenge, he starts getting very relatable. He went from being a selfish guy that did everything for him and only for him to someone that did all he could to take everyone outside that island.
4- Benjamin Linus: Main antagonist of the show and, honestly, my second favorite antagonist in TV only behind Hannibal. From the moment he starts pretending to be Henry Gale and then finding out that he’s the leader of the Others you realize how much of a liar and an expert manipulator he is. His development is one of my favorite things about him. His daughter is killed in front of him because of his fault and then he’s judged by the smoke monster, and in the end, he even ends up apologizing to Locke.
3- Jack Shephard: Underrated protagonist. He is always around the Top 3 characters of every season and every time he has a character focused episode, it’s just a banger, except in some cases. When his character finally develops into what Jack S6 is like, we see one of the most amazing uses of character work in the show and maybe even in TV. Jack in The End is just a masterpiece of a character.
2- Desmond Hume: Probably the most unique character of the entire show, it just amazes me how can someone think of a concept of a character like this one and execute it in such a perfect way. In 2x1 they find him inside of a hatch where they find out he has been pressing a button once every 108 minutes to save the world. But when you find out the reason why he was in that island, you find out about one of the best romances in all fiction, the one with Penny ❤️🩹 which basically peaks in The Constant, one of the best episodes of all time. I would also like to mention how they handle his character after he blows up the hatch in S2 and the visions he has in S3, which created some of the best peaks in that season. I love Desmond so much.
1- John Locke: Do I even need to say anything? Best deuteragonist in all of TV by far and one of my favorite TV characters in general. Simply the goat of the show without a single doubt. Ever since he was a kid he’s been told how special he is but the only thing he got because of that was a shitty job, a pathetic life and a father that stole his kidney and put him in a wheelchair. When he gets to the island and, by miracle, he is able to work he starts believing that they’re all there for a reason. After doing what he thought he was supposed to do to chase his destiny, the only thing he got in return was misery on that island and no one believing him when he talked about the purpose that everyone had on that island. When the Oceanic Six return to the real world, Jeremy Betham tries to make them come back, but the only thing he manages to do is getting killed by Ben is the cruelest way possible. He was dead the whole time that the characters decided to come back to the island and he wasn’t there to see how Jack turned into a man of faith and started agreeing with him. He died thinking that he wasn’t able to bring them back and save the island. He died thinking that he was useless. John Locke: forever in my heart. 🐐
6- Season 4
5- Season 1
4- Season 2
3- Season 3
2- Season 6
1- Season 5
I was going to do a Top Episodes List but you will be able to see that once I upload the new list I’m releasing!! 🔥🔥 All 120 episodes of the show ranked!
#1 Show
#8 Main Character (Jack Shephard)
#1 Deuteragonist (John Locke)
#2 Antagonist (Ben Linus)
#10 Pilot Episode
#1 Ending
#12 Season (S5)
#1 Episode (6x17)
I love this show ❤️