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Joined on January 26, 2024


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Orange guy was totally into her but I'm happy that it (reasonably) didn't happen

"What do you want then?" The camera changing perspective, lingering on her!! Kaz's facial expressions! YOURE SICK FOR THIS. I hate the show for showing us the potential it could have had Obsessed with inejs look this ep and the other potential between her and [] Generally, realising that many charac

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Shadow and Bone (2021)

S02 E06 · Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
I feel like you're all missing the most important detail he's removing her knives !her armour! First He is become a blade when? (,,Dominik Vertov, it has been too long [since we've shared a kiss].")

The kanej scene mhhhh yup im completely fine for sure but honestly the last scene between alina and nikolai did smth for me too🤭 realistically this is below three stars but those scenes... especially the right hook is everything to me thank you saint alina Not book accurate blahblah I'm literally

Am I delusional or are they lowkey adapting sturmhonds and mals homoeroticism? Only the Crow breakfast and carriage wesper scene are glueing this episode positively together😭 why is inejs shadow a ridiculous circus-tiger-hacker-tiger-tamer instead of dunyascha (they seriously need to stop tauntin

Uhh, yeah so... Why did we need a darkling backstory that puts a sympathetic light on him? Especially one that redeems a lot of his character, making it seem like his lust for power comes from a wish to uplift grisha instead of an all-consuming desperation? Alina's convo should have been sharper t

This is NOT my Zoya😭 wdym she sleeps with the darkling zoya certainly woudnt The circumstances mal finds Alina in are better in the book sorry (he arrives on foot with a hurt shoulder around the same time as alina???) The slowmo scene of matthias throwing the fur around Nina is hilarious

Shadow and Bone (2021)

S01 E03 · The Making at the Heart of the World
Nadia is a huge side character in the books, but show nadia... I mean, someone who has smth for Zoya AND Tamar? That might be me The rest of the episode is meh. My girly genya has her debut (my genya×zoya×alina madness can begin🤭), but a lot of choices are strange. Why would Nina be radically agai

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Halit being a dead beat is so😭 they absolutely should have kept him in the future tbh

The romance carries this entire mess

"Ugly policemen"??? Raşit it lowkey the best looking guy there but whatever Sonya is glowing with the pink robe and pregnant and esra looks gorgeous with the creme blouse and admiral coat On a serious note the timelines are a mess and the who's with who is bordering on stupid

Being annoyed at THE KID who unbeknownst to her just lost her mother is a bit insane especially when the child is being neglected already Whatever esra has to be dense on purpose bc her thickened skull seems to shave just a bit every time she speaks to her murderer who she's absolutely not attracte

The Decameron (2024)

S01 E01 · The Beautiful, Not-Infected Countryside
Dioneo mhmhm I get it

Amber is me and I am Amber We both have the lesbianism (minus the crush on 13) and are delicate little porcelain cups which shatter the same way

House (2004)

S03 E20 · House Training
Strong foreman ep but I'm slowly getting tired of their wishy-washy stances on systemic and institutional oppression you cannot say systemic rascism exists but kind of doesn't But I also seem to remember that foreman talked passionately about rascism in s1 and had empathy for a patient while the ot

House (2004)

S03 E13 · Needle in a Haystack
The situation is really interesting and I'd like to believe that the episode somewhat raised awareness about romani people (in the mid 2000s!) But gosh😭

No babes no The side plot romances are more compelling and the chemistry between jane and other 4 men is better than between jane and horse boy The crude humour just isn't executed well except for a few instances and the pacing?? It feels very new age in the sense that it desperately begs for your

Sweet TV show for kids/pre teens but theres not much moral value to it or anything and it isn't incredibly entertaining either Her bestie forgiving her this easily for being ditched over and over again is terrible

Weak messaging standard 2000s episode I wish that 10yo didn't lose weight because she has been 'cured' and then the end scene would have been improver by a lot Same goes for the mom of 6 why not make her vain *because* she loves the way she looks not because other people like it placing her self wor

2 decades blahblah but the idea that a homophobic sibling gets to decide if they're fine with me smooching girls or not therefore determining if I live or die is a bit wild to me

Who isn't a slice of life enjoyer? But I shouldn't be asking myself after every episode what the point of any of this is I do not need any plot progression but where's the character progression? Also who wrote this script? Especially in the beginning it has been *stiff* occasionally alien as well

Hart of Dixie (2011)

S01 E18 · Bachelorettes & Bullets
Shut up Jesse *is* the hotter brother