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Joined on January 5, 2024


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Absolutely heartbroken, speechless, devastated. One of the most beautifully edited episodes of TV of all time, and one of the best ever episodes for sure. I don’t know what else to say except that this episode is a tragic game changer that’s one of the greatest odes to love and loss through the trip

The best show on TV giving me a horror fantasy episode?! Ben Stiller is now completely forgiven for Zoolander 2! I’m devastated beyond measure. Impeccable storytelling fully deserving of one of my favourite characters ever. Never been prouder and more in shock. Easily one of my new favourite episode

Another amazing episode! So much belief in humanity that doesn’t back away from our capability to sabotage the spirituality that drives us. I haven’t fallen so hard and so fast for a piece of media like this since The Leftovers! The flashback structure continues to reel me in more than the majority

The feelings this episode has left me with are indescribable. Such a lightning rod intensity that speaks to my soul and I don’t even know why yet. I’m in an absolute trance and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Severance (2022)

S02 E02 · Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig
Even better than the Season 2 premiere! Easily the best directed episode of the show so far! Wow has Sam Donovan done an incredible job making the show reach a new technical high! Too many perfectly composed shots and satisfying lighting contrasts to name that totally languish in the darkening tensi

HOLY SHIT WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK! SO GOOD IT’S UNBELIEVABLE! NEVER BEEN MORE SATISFIED BY A SEASON OPENER! Poor Irving, my heart can’t take it. More amazing Dylan one liners and the tension is already through the roof. Some of the most intelligently conceived pacing in plot progression I’ve ever s

Doctor Who (2024)

S01 E07 · The Legend of Ruby Sunday (1)
This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.

Euphoria (2019)

S01 E02 · Stuntin' Like My Daddy
Well two things are certain after this episode: Nate’s a morbidly fascinating monstrosity of a character, and Rue and Jules’s codependency is being developed with such a bright purity, that it genuinely hurts to watch. I feel like I’m watching a car crash happen every 5 minutes and that there’s no

Community (2009)

S02 E14 · Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Who used birds in media better: The Doves flying around Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible II, or the Eagle soundbite when dark Elf Chang vanishes? Another restless night, and one of my favourite comedy’s best episodes to tide me over. Yes Community deals in homage and not parody, but this episode’s

Hm I’m of two minds about Euphoria’s pilot. On the one hand, this presents such a coldly unforgiving transparency over adolescent despair without the melodramatic tropes undermining this kind of essential emotional truth. A bleakly artsy, surrealistically dizzying aesthetic too that’s like hypnotisi

I started this show a few months ago actually. I was a couple episodes in before I got way too busy with university commitments, so here’s take two. Studio 60’s Pilot is equally as strong on a rewatch. It’s got all the bulk standard Aaron Sorkin traits. A character incensed and morally incentivised