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Joined on January 20, 2024


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I paused this show on ep 11 of this season in April last year to start invincible and never came back to it, I finished the first compendium of the comics today and felt like I need twd in my veins still so I’m finally continuing this. I wish I just finished this season before stopping because 1 I

A very solid miniseries, looks great, production was amazing, sick action and some good characters. Very entertaining historic piece which draws obvious comparison to the revenant in its time frame and imagery.

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This is unlike anything else, it’s so strange in so many ways but I really enjoyed it. Everything about it is quirky but that quirkiness creates such an intoxicating atmosphere. Because it’s 1990 it just has completely different feel to anything else I’ve seen. There’s just so much intrigue create

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S1-4 like everyone else says are so fucking magnificent, might be the most enjoyable TV to spam episodes through, the consistency is its most incredible achievement because there isn’t an episode in there that has an ounce of boredom. And if it weren’t for the continuation after S4 Dexter as a show

Ray Stevenson was really good as Isaak, a much more intriguing and intricate antagonist than Travis.

Colin Farrell is really good in this role, Cristin Milioti as well and the plot that’s setup is really grabbing I love ts atm.

Hearing that score again is blissful. They got such a unique look to the penguin, those close ups shots make Oz look terrifying. Being back in the Gotham aesthetic is so so great, I’m just so happy this universe is getting expanded upon more than just a trilogy. Amazing performances too.

Dexter (2006)

S06 E01 · Those Kinds of Things
Such a fun start to a supposed bad season, really interested to see why. Religion does feel like a 50/50 theme, if done well it can provide really interesting connotations and symbolism plays a key role like the kill this ep but it can be very boring I just hope it’s not. Dex got Rita, Lila, Lumen

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For sure this season is bottom out of the 5 so far but it isn’t miles of S3, this was just a good ah plain and simple solid season. Lumen, her justified motives and seemingly indifferent approach to Dexs dark passenger was really interesting. The parallels to Rita made early on in the season set o

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Any love I had for Maria got evaporated what an absolute mug. Really good ep tho, reminiscent of Miguel and Dex obviously but seeing it go to plan and Lumen is okay with it all is great - that ending tho is hardcore pure evidence and if he shows that to Quinn I fr am not sure what’s gonna happen co

I love Dexter a bit too much, this shit is sad asf.

Bar Oscar Prado which was self defence this is the first time Dex has killed outside the code, he was wrong 😦

Dexter (2006)

S03 E08 · The Damage a Man Can Do
A high 4, finally breaching past the point of speculation and planning now Miguel has killed their dynamic has reached a whole new level entirely. With the ending of Miguel being answered to Ellen tho Miguel might’ve taken matters into his own hands, breaking the code and breaking their relationsh

Said it already but consistency is Dexters biggest asset and that didn’t change but the structure and themes of this season did, it was just different to the first 2 with Miguel and Dexs dynamic being focal point which made for a very interesting plot but it just didn’t have as many highs and as hig

Who knew Bail Organa could turn out to be such a great character in Dexter.

Dexter (2006)

S02 E03 · An Inconvenient Lie
The dark passenger speech was v good, encapsulates the whole theme of this season being the dichotomy of Dexter’s character. The humour in Dexter is so underrated too 😭

Doakes is all over Dexter, Rita has slight suspicion for the first time and 30+ bodies have been found all whilst Dex is seemingly becoming more human - couldn’t be much of a better opener.

HOTD has too much quality to it to go sub 4 stars and whilst it’s led up to a climax yet again that hasn’t come each episode is still so good. Great cinematography, intriguing plot, amazing acting etc etc and whilst I did prefer S1 I was still so eager for each episode and I don’t think the differen

Thrawn and Maul make this season what it is, twin suns in particular was such a phenomenal episode such an amazing send off to a character of his statue and Sam Witwer as a voice actor.

This show gives the entire prequel trilogy so much more context not only in regards to the clones and their eventual “betrayal” but the story of Anakins fall to the dark side. Arcs likes Mortis or Mauls return and Ahsoka as a character enriches the already enriched lore and develops the story so mu