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The Chosen (2019)

S03 E06 · Intensity in Tent City
On of the more chiller episodes but still really good!!!!

Giving the Women with the issue of blood a name is amazing!!!! Wait is Gaius suppose to be the Centurion who had the servant boy who is sick...aka his boyfriend. She had so much faith to believe that if she could only touch one thread she would be much faith!!!! Stopped Jesus in his tr

The Healing/Demon casting out montage was powerful, seeing them all teaching, preaching and healing was great to see.

The Chosen (2019)

S03 E03 · Physician, Heal Yourself
Jesus focus episode!!! Jesus's brothers name drop was awesome!!!! Box????? What Box????? Not him naming the sheep Cain and Abel lol Lazarus, Rabbi Benjamin, Mary and Martha, so many names lol Seeing the bond between Jesus and Lazarus is pretty cool!!! Childhood friends forever. Jesus had every

The moment with Matthew and his parents was so sweet!! Gaius is completely in his feelings!!! Such a great scene with the ladies!! The disciples are so concerned as Jesus is telling them hey yalls are going out 2 by 2 and healing people!!! SOON!!! "Ok can we get back to the healing the sick part"

Great Season opener!!!! Seeing Judas on the scene and knowing what happens!! Very Interested to see how Chosen shows his descent.

Ugh messy messy Judas enters the chat!!!!!!!!! WOW not the start of the Sermon on the Mt about the disciples!! I'm not are :( My am I Andrew!!! Such a worrier Father?? Which one??? Again Jesus with the jokes, such a sweet moment with Jesus and Mary :( Great Season Finale!!!!!! Se

Andrew being so pressed is sweet!! Jesus getting ready for his Sermon on the Mt is amazing to see it play out!! Is Gaius believing?????? Simon Peter is in his delusion era!!! Andrew is the only one having any sense. Not Gaius being so jealous and concerned about Matthew!! Seeing the crew fall a

Forcing Simon Peter and Matthew to get along is fun especially as they look for Mary. Speaking of Mary not her being a hardcore gambler. Mary's fear drives her to do some wild thing but makes complete sense Mary getting welcomed back after hearing JTB was imprisoned was so heartwarming!! Jesus be

I need to stop watching murder shows, Cause I low key thought Jesse was going to get stabbed by Atticus. I loved the honest chat with John The Baptist and Jesus, cousins being real with each other. Both having very different ministries but both important to each other moving forward. They have grow

The Chosen (2019)

S02 E04 · The Perfect Opportunity
Great opening!!!! Our boy Simon the Zealot the 11th Disciple jumps on the scene!! I love how this show is giving us how those who are healed by Jesus got to where they are. Seeing Jesse year after year since he was a child fight to get into Bethesda pool was sad to see but his healing comes. Jesus

Philip really taking the time to talk with Matthew is so sweet and meaningful!! Not the disciples taking shifts to user the people to Jesus. The full on Admin team!!! This show has some great writing!!! Seeing each of the disciples build further relationships with each other and trying to understan

LOVED that intro!!!! Nephilim were always very interesting to me in scripture!! I do find it wild and funny that the mother of giants got her back blow out by angels on the regular to have not one but 4 Giant sons!!! Also how old is The Mother of Giants Harapha, her sons being crazy old cause there

Survivor (2000)

S48 E04 · The House Party's Over
That 100% didn't take long for everyone in these new tribe groups for people to start flipping on each other!!! - Cedrek should have clocked asap that Sai would try and get him out after he voted for her several times in one tribal council!!! TEAM STUTTER!!!!! I love it!!! Cedrek and Mitch!!! Davi

The Amazing Race (2001)

S37 E03 · Chaotic, Crazy, That's What We're Used to
Fling it was the death of everyone this episode!!!!

I'm still shocked at this episode!! Our girl Ava :(. In her own way she really did grow to care for the teachers and kids at Abbott!!!! They had it right at the end and the bag fumbled.

Cop Cuties back in action!!! Love this storyline is a thing!!! Of course they started dating!! This will not be the last time we will see Seth!!!! He has always been weird to me and now terrifying!!

Phillip and Matthew getting to bond is so sweet!!! Matthew giving a breakdown in Autism was gold!!!! Phillip hanging in the wilderness with JTB makes so much sense lol. Aww sweet sweet Nathanael!!!!! I love how Jesus is like hey its all good to have friends and we can visit them :) Mary and R

LOL Creepy John lol Very cool way to start season 2 with all the disciples getting interviewed clearly after Jesus has died!!! I like how they decided to write there books! Ok John our gay king!!!! The one Jesus loved!!!! Simon and Matthew not really feeling each other sounds about right!!!! and M

Throwback to the beginning of Jacobs Well!!! Very interesting they gave the women at the well a name Photina. I find the relationship between Gaius and Matthew is very sweet and interesting!!! Simon Peter being the only one out of the group that is married is a cool information bump and gives so

The Jesus and Nicodemus rooftop conversation was so important!!!!!! Seeing Matthew really struggle with his Logical and Mathematic brain to understand the miracles he saw was such a real struggle we call go through!!! MATTHEW COME FOLLOW ME!!!!

The Chosen (2019)

S01 E06 · Indescribable Compassion
Matthew being Autistic is so real!!!!! Not Little James being a former prospective member of the Jerusalem Temple choir before he met Jesus!!!!!! Eating grapes like popcorn is the new thing!!!! Let the Miracles begin!!!!! Not Simon Peter being the secret service for Jesus!!!! Nicodemus is givi

Another banger!! Thomas owning a winery is gold!!!!!! Seeing Jesus and the other disciplines having a fun time at a wedding was great to see!! Jesus being a mommas boy makes so much sense to me!! and having JOKES!!!!!! I do find it interesting Jesus keeps mentioning its not time yet. an Mary cha

The Chosen (2019)

S01 E04 · The Rock on Which it is Built
Another banger!!!! Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John being friends is so cool. Them meeting Jesus and being called by him was so beautiful!!! Also we forget how young they all were...early to late twenties!!! Seeing John the Baptiste at the end was so cool!!!!