Backdrop poster for The Chosen (2019)
The Chosen (2019)
Poster for The Chosen
Throwback to the beginning of Jacobs Well!!! Very interesting they gave the women at the well a name Photina. I find the relationship between Gaius and Matthew is very sweet and interesting!!! Simon Peter being the only one out of the group that is married is a cool information bump and gives so much context to his life and how he continues to respond to think around him and with the others!! Why does Shmuel have to be so messy???? All about the law and politics. I like the add in to the story that the disciples for every big trip they did see there families and there families were on board for them following Jesus wherever he went!!! I know biblically Nicodemus never follows Jesus but I low key was hoping he would have beat his fear. Seeing him in heartache was rough :( Gaius seeing Matthews families is giving secret boyfriend!!!! Simon Peter always gave PICK ME energy!!! Mmmm right off the page of scripture!!!! But I do like the add ins of Jesus telling her of who her passed husbands were, not to shame her but to prove who he is!!!! We got you food...I got food... LOL Andrew "Who Got You Food?"
