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Joined on April 24, 2022


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Super digestible pilot that doesn’t ruin you with too many introductions

Donald Draper is a coward of a man. He runs away from his past life, he runs away from his duty in the army, he runs from his “boring life” by drowning himself in affairs. His first thought at the first sign of structural collapse is to run. It’s not until he finally stops running, that he’s truly r

Not as tight as the first season and with some very wavy plot threads, equally has some of my favourite moments of the show. Interested to see how some of these characters play out from now despite being wrung dry

Not as good of an opener as S1’s but still solid. The Deep is probably my favourite side plot of this show

The Mandalorian (2019)

S02 E05 · Chapter 13: The Jedi
I’m surprised how Un-cringe they’ve managed to make Grogu, considering how fucking cringe the memes surrounding him were when he was first revealed

The Mandalorian (2019)

S02 E01 · Chapter 9: The Marshal
Omg, I like Star Wars again! The quality difference between this show and Obi Wan is genuinely staggering, it’s weird to think they’re only 2 years apart, Mandalorian episodes always feel so ironed out as apposed to what feels like slapped together pieces of Obi Wan episodes. But this episode was

Mr. Robot (2015)

S01 E01 ·
“Fuck Society” 🤓☝️

Omg, she’s just like me part 2 Electric Boogaloo

Set up and pay off go dummy

The complete removal of episodic stories has impacted this show greatly

Chernobyl (2019)

S01 E02 · Please Remain Calm
Emily Watson you goddess 🙏

Under The Banner Of Heaven, as many would have you believe in indeed, True Detective with Mormons. And it’s with that subject matter where I think this series succeeds in standing out in the wealth of true crime miniseries. First you have the mystery, as many of the people watching this probably wo

I’m just gonna dump my initial thoughts here and come back for a series review later: Taba is the MVP of this episode, it’s a shame he’s missing from a good part of the show because he provides a great alternate perspective The scene with Dan, Ron and Brenda? Absolutely heart wrenching I’ve come

Glowy Lightsaber epic

The clone episodes are so much more interesting than the others so far, it’s surprising how easy it is to tell them all apart despite having the exact same character models.

True Detective season 3 is a step up for sure, it takes one of the aspects of season 1 which made it work so well (the time jumps) seemingly absent from 2 and improves upon it, creating a narrative that is similar to Memento more than 1 ever was. It has very clear faults, like Roland being by far th

Yeah, it’s cool. The new digital set technology looks great and will age this show like fine wine in future. My only issue is with the different writers each episode. It creates an inconsistency where some episodes are horrendous (5 and 6) while the rest are solid.

True Detective (2014)

S03 E01 · The Great War and Modern Memory
Probably the most simple of the 3 Season openers. Not sure how to feel about returning to the “future interview” framing from season 1 but as long as it adequately sets itself apart from 1 in other ways it’ll be fine.