Backdrop poster for Silo (2023)
Silo (2023)
Poster for Silo
Silo (2023)
The pilot episode of Silo is one of the best that I’ve ever seen. It hooks you with its core mystery and introduces you to this world without exposition dumping, and the lead performances by David Oyelowo and Rashida Jones are exceptionally moving. If there’s one major issue with this season, it’s that momentum is lost after the pilot, and it takes a couple of episodes to build back up. Stick through it, because after the third episode, it’s full speed ahead. The dystopian sci-fi genre is well-trodden, and there may not be anything particularly groundbreaking here. But Silo is tightly paced and well executed, and unlike other sci-fi dramas, it actually answers many of the questions that arise throughout the season. At the expense of my fresh air intake, the episode-ending cliffhangers kept me glued to my screen for about 8 episodes straight. While the series doesn’t quite reach Severance levels of excellence, the world-building is exceptional, and the mystery unravels in a satisfying and compelling way.
