Backdrop poster for The Sopranos (1999)
The Sopranos (1999)
Poster for The Sopranos
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fun house is like top 9-10 in the show
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Also give this episode 9.5 but for me its 5/5
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next one is just incredible can't wait to see your review
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good review probably
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Next one is gas
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next one pretty good
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Funhouse is an all timer.
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i mini agree
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First example of Sopranos having the best deaths of any show by far and also next one is a 5 although idk if it will be for you
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bb does it better
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bb deaths are very dramatic and emotional but the realism of the deaths in the sopranos are unmatched imo. currently my two favorite shows so its hard to compare but id say sopranos does it better
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@fiyul in no universe
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sopranos is definitely more “realistic “ but people slightly overrate it just because its the sopranos. its the show everyone growing up heard was the best and nobody questions it ever. i could agree though about the deaths but overall bb is a better show
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@spidrduckxcx its close imo sopranos might be slightly better at “deaths” but its also a longer show tbf
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The Sopranos is infinitely better to me and also trying to make a narrative that it's only as beloved as it is because people "grew up hearing it's good and just don't question" it is silly, even if I hadn't heard a single thing about it until I saw it myself I would still love it as much as I do
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im not downplaying the show its great but i think its pretty dumb when other people say sopranos is the goat and nothing will ever compare , its a super closed minded way to think . its all opinions though
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neither are THAT good
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on the other hand breaking bad has gotten so popular that people tend to underrate it when talking about the other under ground shows when bb literally has ZERO bad episodes
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@wxczut as of what ive seen breaking bad s1> sopranos s1> shield s1 i think ill like shield more than sopranos tho
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livia soprano top 1 char oat
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tyrell top 1
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well i haven’t seen brba yet, but so far yeah, sopranos got best deaths, even side characters’, it’s realistic asf and just feels more impactful due to this realistic factor
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sopranos is definitely the most realistic crime show i cant debate that. im not a sopranos hater the shows great
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if your saying it has the best deaths on s2 yeah u will love it even more later on, not gonna spoil obviously
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aight bro
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shield s1>>sopranos s1>=brba s1 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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gay muslims s1 negs all
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yeah u have the worst opinions ive ever seen
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it’s the truth
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shield s1 got significantly better on rewatch
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wxczut try not to glaze shield in every comment section challenge impossible
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shield s1> the leftovers, hannibal, and lost its worth the glaze ngl
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it’s the best made ladies shield over tv crvrvrvrvevevrbebebebenej
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stop the lost hate my dude
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rewatch the first 2 seasons and then continue the rest
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@Wxczut W S1 rankings cutie
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you wrote L incorrectly
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I love ladies especially isa
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mabel you’re my favorite lady
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and prettiest one too
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@isafilms 💗💗💗
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she’s my fav too i love mabel
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You guys are so sweet!!
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