Backdrop poster for Mr. Robot (2015)
Mr. Robot (2015)
Poster for Mr. Robot
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this review is not for THIS episode. i just wanted to talk about very important and relatable topic - loneliness. “the loneliness came back worse than i remember” - i heard this quote a lot of times even before starting this show and it resonates with me quite a bit, and not just me alone. if you feel solitude and peace when you’re alone, then you can call yourself a lucky person, even though sometimes it’s dangerous to feel too much comfort in being alone. but if you feel pain and sadness when you’re alone, then we’re together in this. i am only 18 years old and i’ve been feeling like this for 3/4 years now and that’s not good. all these years i’ve been trying to get out of this state, but always something shitty happens at the end and it’s dragging me deeper into my loneliness. i thought i had loyal friends - they thought i was a wasting time. i thought i had a loyal girlfriend - she thought i was a perfect person to be cheated on. maybe i should just stop finding a person to be at my side, cause in the end i’ll still be alone in a fucking coffin, so why should i try? idek why i’m writing this but whatever lmao. take care y’all.


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hey man, just wanted to let you know that no matter how alone you may seem, you are never truly alone. no matter how it may feel to you, i can guarantee you there is someone out there who cares about you and your wellbeing, and hopes the best for you. i know just as well as you do how shitty it can be when it feels like you have no one, but i promise you it gets better. everyone experiences these feelings, myself included, so i just hope you know someone out there cares for you.
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and it may sound stupid, but if u ever wanna talk more in depth about this, add my disc syrupmp4, i'd totally be willing to listen to you whenever you feel that way, because it can be really useful sometimes to just vent those feelings in a controlled, safe space. take care man
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i appreciate that man thx fr
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I really feel you, the thought of having the right people while they were really nothing but people to ruin your life. But trust me it's not always like this, there are lots of people in the world. And some of them will be bad, but some will be nice and kind. And I promise you you'll find them and they'll find you, I don't really know who you are in real life but I'm sure you're a really good guy and I know what kind of people you deserve. And I'm also sure that even when you end up in a
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- coffin alone, you'll still be buried with people you love and people who love you back inside your heart.
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love u bro ❤️‍🩹if u ever need to talk to someone about any of this shit dont even think twice to ask me
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ofc bro thx
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i don’t really know you but i want you to know that i sympathize with you and you’re never truly alone. you might feel that way now and feel like life is just this endless cycle but i can guarantee you that many people care about you and have been in your place before, and one day you’ll look back at all your pain and suffering and appreciate the fact that you persisted and didn’t give up and acknowledge that you are finally in a better place. it will get better, it always does.
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thank u sooo much fr i appreciate these words ❤️‍🩹
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Didn't see this review at first but all I can say is that you won't feel this way forever and as impossible as that sounds I know it's true because I got out of that place too. This episode is one of the most relatable ever for me and as much as obviously I don't wish anyone to have the same experience it's comforting to know I'm not alone in that regard and I hope that this show and everyone on here can be there for you as much as can be expected.
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thank you 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹
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