Unlimited Tedium Works
A show of derivative stakes and archetypal characters without a tinge of profundity in their constantly bloated monologues and lame theatrics. The first season was conceptually interesting—a battle royale between heroes called from different times, both past and future—but the main draw was always the rich production and special effects that Ufotable has gained fame for. However, as the show progresses, it becomes less and less interesting, not only because they dramatically tone down the spectacle, but also because it tries to stuff multiple shallow backstories and ideologies into the narrative without ever giving them room to breathe or even explore them beyond mere narration. It's a bloated mess.
I'm not familiar with Nasu's original material, which is infamous for being thematically overwritten and dialogically absurd ("people die when they are killed" ok, emiya, thanks.), so I can't speak to the adaptation. But if this product is anything to go by, Nasu's original work must've been a total trainwreck of wishy-washy themes and tonally deaf, pointless narratives.
This is ultimately a show of diminishing returns. Don't make the same mistake as I did and invest your precious time here. If you really want a proper taste of Nasu's idiosyncrasies, maybe read the visual novel. It can't possibly be worse than this.