at first i always thought this show little be a little weird because its one woman living with 3 random men she meets in a loft but quickly it became a comfort show for me. quickly everyone in this show developed great friendships with each other, having a family like bond. Jess and even cece from the very beginning all expect these men to be total douchebags (and while Schmidt is), all three of them quickly form sweet, genuine friendships with Jess.
i enjoyed how they gave more spotlight to the characters with lesser dialogue as the seasons progressed, cece in the beginning was known as Jess’ hot model friend and she quickly became apart of the group. Winston in seasons 1-2 was funny but i felt like he lacked dialogue and plot lines based on him, luckily all that changed in the later seasons when they made him a cop. they gave him more character to the point where he was practically carrying all the shows humor at some point. I do wish this show could’ve had coach as a main character for the entirety of the show, but I’m glad that he even came back at all in the first place. after the pilot I never expected him to return.
even the weaker seasons of this show like seasons 3 and 6, which many people consider to just be alright seasons, still exceed in making amazing season finales. i think I’ve given almost every season finale of this show 5 stars because they are just that good, always important and memorable episodes. but the best part of this show are the running gags. the douchebag jar, cece and Winston mess arounds, and their game true American are apart of some of the most iconic moments and episodes, and the show wouldn’t be the same without them.
top 5 episodes:
1.background check
3.landing gear
4.five stars for beezus
5.clean break
top characters:
2.Winston (so close to first)
7. Reagan
best friendships:
1.nick and Schmidt
2.winston and cece
3.jess and cece
4.winston and Nick
5.Jess and Schmidt
seasons ranked: