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New Girl (2011)
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Reviews for New Girl

This show is so indescribably important to me and it will always be THE comfort show for me. It has been in my life for such a long time and it has undeniably made me the person that I am today. Between the humor, seeing myself so strongly in Jess, and my unbreakable attachment to the characters and

that kiss could honestly end wars if played on a big screen at the right moment

they don’t do television like this anymore

background check you will always be famous

almost convinced me that living with three straight men could be good

nick and jess’s first kiss STILL gives me butterflies and it’s my 10,000000 rewatch

they are my family

Been so fucking long that I gave a sitcom season a 5 Actually perfect No major relationship drama, all of them just having fun storylines all throughout the season, Coach being there from the start till the end, funniest season so far nd has two of the best eps of the show so far I love this show,

srsly the funniest sitcom ever made schmidt will always make me scream laugh idc

Honestly I have built a connection with this show already and it’s only been 1 season. It’s funny, it’s heartwarming, it’s sad sometimes, This show just balances all these things so well. The characters are so funny and just relatable at the same time, Really awesome first season.


Really close to 5 stars (obv yeah ratings for sitcoms arent same as for drama shows) Incredible season, consistent throughout, hilarious asf and the 2nd half was just so damn good. Everything related to Cece's botched wedding was amazing Stepup from S1 in every possible way Top Characters 1) Nick

Low 4 stars The start of the season except the opener was meh because of the too many out of character moments for Schmidt but he improved massively throughout the season The addition of Coach was brilliant, I love him so much Winston stays the funniest character for me Jess nd Nick were an absolut

This cast flows effortlessly together

we need more winstonaly, we deserved to see the winstonaly wedding, and i think they could’ve done more for the finale but it definitely made me cry

this show had yet to bore me, still a very solid, funny season. I loved coachs comeback for Schmidt and Ceces wedding and the introduction to Reagan. Nick really stood out to me this season and cece and Winston were great like always. top episodes: 1.landing gear eve 3.a chill day in

Can’t wait to see Ferguson in Avatar: The Way of Water later this month

lives WERE changed

this season is perfect. first, there's nick and jess, my absolute favorites and their first kiss that is literally going to save the world!!! and then the best humour ever, some of my favorite episodes, winston!!!!, a lot of cute flashbacks and finally, as if the season wasn't already the most wonde

at first i always thought this show little be a little weird because its one woman living with 3 random men she meets in a loft but quickly it became a comfort show for me. quickly everyone in this show developed great friendships with each other, having a family like bond. Jess and even cece from t

jess spent all season in love with nick and nick spent all season pushing everyone away but jess THATS REAL LOVE THEYRE MY PARENTS FOREVER

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pretty mid season but still decent, definitely worst season of the show though. I like how they handled Nick and Reagan’s breakup on somewhat good terms even though he abandoned her on a train. all the tension leading up to Nick and Jess in the finale episode drove me insane but it was incredible. s

schmidt and cece beloveds