Backdrop poster for The Bear (2022)
The Bear (2022)
Poster for The Bear
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The Bear (2022)
Not a good season. Has a few good episodes like 3x1, 3x6 and 3x8, but overall a terribly paced, terribly slow, terribly dragged out, and terribly unfulfilling season of television. The fak brothers were extremely annoying this season and were overused beyond belief. The overall plot of this season is just not that engaging and it could’ve been executed in a good way, rather than alright way. The season finale legitimately sucks, is unsatisfying, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Really just nothing happens this season you could almost skip it. Even the episode with Tina which was fantastic, doesn’t need to be in this season, and could be skipped. Richie and Carmie were completely miserable through the entire season and it was very hard to watch, and also very repetitive. Scenes felt like they were just filmed individually instead of them bouncing off each other which made it hard to stay engaged throughout. Episode 1 is very creatively ambitious and had me hooked. I found it quite good and necessary but also just a great showcase of perfect directing to tell a story with almost no dialogue. Episode 6 is such an important episode, not only for the phenomenal performances and storytelling, but for the reason it exists, which is showcasing the struggle of getting a career in modern day America. Episode 8 is extremely well acted and emotional throughout with great development from both characters focused on in the episode. Just a fantastic episode and I doubt the Emmy’s won’t notice this one. Every other episode was below average-pretty good. It makes so much sense why they filmed both Seasons 3 and Season 4 together, because they will basically blend together. The season ends with a “to be continued” in the credits which means this season could’ve been way quicker paced to make room for both season 3 and season 4 to be one compact season. Instead they wanted to drag it out to get more Emmy’s and money. The way this show was edited in the first two seasons stuck to the format of being high-anxiety and intense situations which took up the big chunk of the show. But every so often there would be very slow and deep emotional scenes to emphasize how important they were to the story. Instead, with season 3, they don’t have any of the high anxiety scenes besides 3x2 and 3x3. Everything is slow paced and did not have any huge significance to the story and are unidentifiable compared to the slow, emotionally charged scenes in the first two seasons. Very jarring. Genuinely infuriating, and extremely disappointing. This is a season 2.5. Not season 3.


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So far it’s great I don’t get how it’s a 2 stars
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