Backdrop poster for The Bear (2022)
The Bear (2022)
Poster for The Bear
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The Bear (2022)
I completely understand why so many people are saying this feels like half a season & to an extent, I do agree. One of my biggest issues with it is that it constantly recycles so many old clips from S2 to try and compensate for how unoriginal several plotlines or entire episodes are. It has a big problem with overreliance on older parts of the story that have already been told and it feels excessive at times with how often they reuse content or information that we already know. Theres also tons of cameos that were unique to S2 which helped make that season so special that are casually brought back in ways that aren’t very meaningful here. I don’t think it’s fair to say it made their S2 appearances feel less compelling, but it certainly feels misplaced, if that makes sense? The character development is significantly less driven compared to the previous two seasons, but I understand if it’s intentional. I heard the writers were trying to go for making this season feel more slower paced because of the events of the S2 finale and how it mirrors Carmen’s inability to stop “freezing” everyone around him, but I can’t help but feel S3 could’ve been so much better. I appreciate it though for what it is & I went into this season knowing it wouldn’t be as good as S2 because it would be very difficult to replicate that type of success. I still hoped for something better, but I also think with time and a potential rewatch, S3 will be appreciated more by the fanbase. Overall, it’s a good season but definitely the weakest so far


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This review sounds like a 3.5
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@SpidrDuckXCX it very easily could be, but I don’t wanna be too harsh on it since it is a genuinely decent season. It’s still very well shot, acted, and overall beautifully made. I can tell a rewatch would be very fitting
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@taylorvillax yeah! It has the same strong acting, cinematography, editing, etc, but it's not perfect in other regards. It doesn't quite reach a 3.5 on my personal rating scale.
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Still absolutely a good season though
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