rarely seen a show that has so much contempt, abhorrence and scorn for the entire group of people it depicts. a cynical fuck fest. a dark comedy that ends up being so pitch black that the self-hate and anger is somehow ending up in your own bowl of cornflakes.
usually I'm a big fan of anything addressing the flaws and fails of humans but you always need a drop height to make this work. Beef - in all its disdain firing out of bazookas - would need to climb extra high. the only time it does go somewhere in depth is in episode 8 though, when the background of the main protagonists is illuminated. that's simply not enough.
Beef is too busy being stuck in his own "road rage". it desperately tries to settle the bill with his finale but at that time I mentally checked out already. the idea of a social connectedness via trauma bonding is a nice one but only alleged, not played out. there's this piece about the inner anger at the very core of the series but it never really reaches into it in a substantial way.