Backdrop poster for Attack on Titan (2013)
Attack on Titan (2013)
Poster for Attack on Titan
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Okay after gathering my thoughts, here is my Final, SPOILER - FREE Review of Attack on Titan. Before I begin I wanna mention that its extremly hard for me to write this as English is not my first language and I have so many things to say that it feels kinda overwhelming at Times, which is why Im gonna try and keep this Review as Short as I can, so I dont get burned out. Where do I even begin. I was never into anime before. I'd even admit that I WAS sort of hating on the Genre because I genuiely couldnt believe, people compared these Shows to some of TV's all time greats. A few months later I came across a show called "Attack on Titan". Ive heard of it before (obviously) but it never really caught my attention. Back in March 2023 it was different. Ive looked the Show up and looked at some imdb ratings, which were to my surprise unbelievably high. On the 16th April 2023 I said fuck it. I found a Website where I could watch the Show and once I started it, I could never stop watching. Now, around 6 months later, the Series has finally concluded and I can comfortably say that Attack on Titan is without a doubt in my mind one of the greatest Storys to ever be told and will always remain as one of the most immersive Experiences that Ive ever encountered on Television. Even tho this Show shines with its incredible Action, music, Animation and Voice Acting, my favourite Aspect of Attack on Titan goes way deeper. While being endlessly entertaining and thrilling to watch, this Show is also one of the most complex and thought provoking Series in TV. I have never, ever in my life seen a Show that offers this amount Depth to its Story or Plot. I personally believe that being invested into Attack on Titans Plot and Characters is one of the greatest Experiences you can have with a TV Show. Watching this Show (mostly) unspoiled made me question my life at Times. I found myself sitting in my room, watching hours of Videos and looking up things to understand this enormous Piece of Fiction and its World. No Other Show has ever made me this invested in its Story. Next to the Story, this Show also exceeds in most of its Characters. Eren Yeager is easily one of my Favourite Protagonist in Television and is one the most thematically investing Characters Ive ever encountered. The Side cast, while being not perfect and kinda overextended at Times, also offers some of my favourite side Characters ever. Erwin and Levi will always stay in my mind as some of the best side Characters in Anime. But the Show doesnt stop here. Both Reiner and Zeke are outstanding Antagonists. Its really rare for a Show to exceed in every type of Character Category. A lot of Shows have amazing Protagonists and deuteragonists but Fall short in its antagonists. This Show doesnt. Not gonna get into it but Im just gonna mention that Attack on Titan also has some of the best visual Storytelling, Parallels and Symbolism Ive ever seen. As You can guess by my Rating, this Show (even tho I love it) does not reach that "perfect Show status", like The Leftovers for example. I do have to critizise some parts of this Show, especially in the first two seasons. S1 and s2 of AoT are good seasons but do have some issues imo. Most of the issues come with the incredible amount of overwhelming Action and Plot armour. Also the dialogue is not a strong point of the earlier Seasons imo. It gets WAY better in s3 and s4 but its not perfect there either imo (s3 and s4 are masterpieces tho). My other complaint is that this Show can feel a little overwhelming at Times. I think if you watched AoT you know what I mean. I hope that I have covered most of the things I wanna say (I havent). Attack on Titan will always remain as one the best Experiences in TV for me. While being not 100% perfect IMO, it offers one of the greatest Storys to ever be told and has some of the best Storytelling out there. Its an important Piece of Fiction that Covers complex themes like the Horrors of War and true Freedom like no other Show does and by that, is one of the best Shows on Television. Attack on Titan got me into the World of Anime and Im so thankful for that. Thank You Isayama and everyone who has worked on this gigantic Piece of Art❤️. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANKINGS/ RATINGS: Top 10 Characters: 10. Jean 9. Ymir 8. Grisha 7. Armin 6. Mikasa 5. Zeke 4. Levi 3. Reiner 2. Erwin 1. Eren Top 20 Episodes: 20. Sole Salvation - 4X15 19. Savagery - 4X14 18. The Attack Titan - 3X21 17. Warrior - 2X6 16. Descent - 3X15 15. The Warhammer Titan - 4X6 14. The Town where Everything Began - 3X13 13. Assault - 4X7 12. The Other Side of the Wall - 3X22 11. Declaration of War - 4X5 10. The Final Chapters - 4X29&30 9. The Dawn of Humanity - 4X28 8. Scream - 2X12 7. Two Brothers - 4X19 6. That Day - 3X20 5. Hero - 3X17 4. Perfect Game - 3X16 3. Midnight Sun - 3X18 2. From You, 2000 Years Ago - 4X21 1. Memories of the Future - 4X20 Seasons Ranked: 1. Season 4 - 9.6 2. Season 3 - 9.6 3. Season 2 - 8.5 4. Season 1 - 8.3 OVERALL RATING: 9.3/10 (top 5 - 10 Show oat)


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Bro wrote a REVIEW
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Review oat
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I stand by the fact that early aot dub dialogue is trash and plot armor in a story like this is unavoidable. I can go on another rant about
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what plot armor is to me but it’s just a personal view. Still so many characters die regardless.
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Aot isn’t a crispy clean perfect type show but it reaches higher heights and delivers messages in its own very special way.
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As an overall package I’ll always believe that aot is in the highest tier regardless of flaws, the positives are just too strong
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and the flaws don’t detract anything from the experience of watching Aot. Like any of the flaws don’t drag down the show much at all imo.
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All valid points we could discuss forever about this but I'll stand by what I said
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great review btw t5 serialzd account
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awesome review for a peak show. 👍
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thanks brotha <3
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W review. But bump it to 5/5 when? AOT negs 💀 most new gen animes.
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One of my favourite Experiences in TV but has too many flaws to rate it a 5/5 for me. But I also gotta mention that Im pretty strict with my ratings so 5 Stars are something that rarely occur on my account
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Owh wow. Fair fair. I also gotta learn how to control myself and know the difference between a 4.5 and 5😂
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yh being critical about TV shows is so fun to me
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still think this was a pretty harsh rating
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Like theres things to pick out but its never enough to bring the experience down, the whole experience and how theres meaning behind everything that happens is crazy. How I think of it is like theres 100 good points and 10 bad points, would a show with 70 good points and 5 bad points be better?. An easy example to understand is aot vs vinland saga, aot is an overall more elevated experience on every level but vinland saga is so solid with less things to pick at.
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its easy to discuss this way of thinking with films. Most of the highest rated films have no things to pick at, crispy and clean. People that value this over everything are hard to discuss with because all nuance in discussion is lost about what is an actual flaw vs their expectations.
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9.3/10 is one of the highest ratings Ive ever given a Show. I just have a Different Standard when it comes to 5/5s. And I dont think this is a perfect Show still. As you mentioned the Show has 100 good points and 10 bad points. I just cant ignore the bad points because of 100 good Points. I dont rate that way
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I agree with both of you. It’s just Marius’s rating system is diff than ours. I dont usually dwell in decimal ratings. Because i cant! Tbh 😂. So I just go with the usual whole numbers. But even If i did get accustomed to the decimal ratings it would be very high. Aot’s high balances out even the absolute lows for me. Its just our preference. W opinion from both of you.
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yh lets just agree that its an amazing show
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And love that u have the leftovers on your favs w taste.
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yh such an incredible Show. Only Show Ive given a 5 so far
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Dein englisch ist krass dafür dass du deutsch bist🙏+W review
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Danke Bruder🫶
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Imo it deserves 5
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Hes more strict with his ratings but yeah aot definitely deserves a 5 for me
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Valid its one of the best Shows Ive ever Seen
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