Backdrop poster for Big Brother (2023)
Big Brother (2023)
Poster for Big Brother
This has been compulsive viewing for me over the past six weeks. A perfectly cast season of reality tv, with heroes and villains changing every week. My only real complaint is the final week slog, made worse by the amount of tasks they had to do. More episodes with the housemates just chatting would’ve been great to see. Other than that, reality television is well and truly back. And now a housemate ranking: 1. Jordan - My autistic king. The funniest person on the show bar none. Even in his love triangle era where I started to lose my patience, I always knew a dry one liner was around the corner and fell in love all over again. 2. Trish - Obviously her time in the house has been a bit tainted as of late, but ar Trish was literally a perfect housemate taken before her time. Always in the right, always backing her mates and so emotionally intelligent. Was she not evicted in the gag of the century, she probably would’ve won. 3. Hallie - ROBBED QUEEN OF THE SEASON. Loud and stroppy, but in a fun way. Hung out with all the villains, and as soon as she went they became so much less fun to watch. 4. Olivia - Best arc this season. I found her loud and annoying, then loud in an endearing way, then bitchy as hell, then an absolute icon by the end. Often led by her friends, but always owned her shit. Wouldn’t be the same without her. 5. Noky - Just a genuinely really nice person? Found her boring to start with but given time came into her own and was a bit of a ray of sunshine. 6. Yinrun - The people’s princess, absolutely adorable, the definition of a hero. If only she cried less 😭 7. Henry - The Boris Johnson stanning can piss off but his relationship with Jordan was the highlight of the show. A couple nights out with Club Mezzanine can save him from his Tory ways I pray!! 8. Kerry - Ultimate villain. Evil, but in a fun panto way. Her awfulness felt like it came from a place of ignorance rather than malice and it never felt the same once she went. 9. Farida - Left too soon but was an absolute camp queen while she was on. Bitchy and proud of it. 10. Zak - Wish he was kept around longer because he was a fun little shit stirrer in his brief time there. 11. Matty - He got on my tits and I was not invested in the triangle at all but he’s a genuinely lovely soul so I can’t in good conscience rank him any lower. 12. Chanelle - Started as an icon, drunk and bitchy in a fun way, but ended awful. Her not owning the sly comments she made was so frustrating. 13. Jenkin - Did nothing but complain his whole time in there. Had a good one liner occasionally. 14. Dylan - Liked him to start with but the way he spoke to Trish sometimes was horrifying. 15. Paul - A non entity who only spoke up to be aggressive to people. 16. Tom - Weasel. Only spoke up to be rude, but didn’t even own his villain status like Paul did. Waste of a housemate. Everyone saying I look like Henry can fuck off now x
