Backdrop poster for Big Brother
Big Brother
Poster for Big Brother
3 seasons
, 72 episodes
Oct 8 2023
Last aired
Nov 15 2024

Big Brother

2023 • 3 seasons • Reality
The original social experiment
Britain’s ultimate social experiment. Follow every twist and turn as a group of housemates live under the gaze of 24/7 cameras and try to avoid eviction. Big Brother sees it all...

Seasons (3)


yinrun for the winrun

i’m going to miss tuning in to itv2 at 9pm every night and i’ll also miss liking everyone’s reviews lmao 😭😭 i love how it’s always the same people reviewing bbuk episodes ahaha this series has been an absolute tv highlight of 2023 & it’s difficult to think about how we’re not going to properly se

Praying for the Icelandic nu-metal indie jazz folk band to make a return 🤞 edit: yaaaay!!!

The way they kept encouraging that little misogynist. Their whole crew was crinngggeeeeee Anyway, the real winner won so wgaf 🙏

big brother ‘23 you are so famous!!! you could’ve lasted a wee bit longer though imo but i have enjoyed every minute :)

This has been compulsive viewing for me over the past six weeks. A perfectly cast season of reality tv, with heroes and villains changing every week. My only real complaint is the final week slog, made worse by the amount of tasks they had to do. More episodes with the housemates just chatting would

CHIN OUT CHEST OUT CHARGE IT!!! Didn’t match up to last season for me probs because of the way nominations were handled and housemates were just soaring through with no consequences. BUT what a ride 😭 Word of advice to bb is get rid of vote to evict 🫵🏻

british reality tv is always top tier! what am i going to do with my life now 😭 (would have been more entertaining if the public wasn’t transphobic and racist tho…)

reallly great reboot, although would love to recount on the votes 😄😄

Am I glad to have this back? Yes. But it needs alot of work. If doesn't need the music all the time and it doesn't need the daily tasks. It needs to go back to the 2-3 days worth of tasks and make them really work for the shopping budget. I'm excited for the next season.

Big Brother 2023, what can I say. Watching this series every night with my best friend is going to be a core memory that I think I’ll treasure forever. Jordan is an absolute icon, my fave and a deserved winner!! Jenry is a huge highlight and I love them to pieces. AJ AND WILL ARE ABSOLUTE ICONs.

first time ever watching big brother and i wasn’t even planning to but i really liked it and will be watching the next one.

Lol I forgot to log the season. It was okay!! I definitely miss it now that it’s gone but at the time I was so over them all being bezzie mates x


A pretty enjoyable series with a memorable cast! It’s such a shame that this series was only 6 weeks long because everything felt a bit rushed towards the end. Nevertheless, I have loved this reboot of the best reality tv show ever created (imo). I don’t quite know what to do with myself now that

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had the time of my life actually, jordan for PM

the people’s princess <33

some stuff that for sure could be improved* but overall a banger of a season I don't think I've ever been this invested in a season of big brother before like it was kinda crazy how obsessed with it I became 😭 they had such a great group of ppl in there, even the twats among them at least for the

not going to lie. stopped watching after the first week because it just didn’t hit like last year’s series for me BUT the rightful winner was crowned so 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

old big brother is 10x better

this was so fun, i will be applying for next year!

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