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Joined on January 31, 2022


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when i saw our boy you know i let out a giddy little scream “michael cera!”

makes me really rethink this whole “starting my own cult” thing

i had fun! i’m actually thrilled that kitty and red are having fun and i’m loving the mix of old and new vibes in this revival. hopefully it gets renewed for a longer second season and more cameos from minor characters in the old show. long live jim rash baby!

it was alright. most of the time the b story lines performed better

The Rookie (2018)

S05 E11 · The Naked and the Dead
why do i love this copraganda so much?

he’s going to do what to his dad?

just binged the first four episodes of this show. i love the fast paced nature and how short the episodes are. it adds to the anxiety of the situation. also learning more and more about alan’s life through very short flashbacks/memories is a nice touch

i’m getting really tired of all the marvel content but this show is honestly pretty good and i look forward to it every thursday

i’m loving these smaller stranger comic book shows. they actually try and impress their fans instead of just surprise them with explosions and catchphrases

it’s a good show but it’s getting a bit repetitive and redundant. idk if i’m into superheroes anymore because of all this content these past few years also this is the first time i’ve been able to post a text review on this app in months so that’s great

idk, this show isn’t really doing it for me. i like how it feels somewhat different then most marvel shows/movies but they still make it way too dark so then can compensate for cgi. i miss the days where i could see what was happening on screen. also the last ten minutes just seems like a ripoff of

a pretty good reboot! a lot of HIMYM humor but it’s also doing it’s own thing! every character is funny and has their own personality that meshes well with the others. all the b-plots were pretty well done as well. would love to either see this in a longer format or with more episodes like the origi

topeka reference! hometown representation!

i binged this instead of being productive no regrets

i also looked 40 when i was a senior in high school

this episode didn’t really help you learn more other than aniq is snoopy can’t wait for that flashback episode next week

uh did uncle nicky have sex with dead people?