rewatching after s3 is out: icb they really treated lottie like a god in s2 and now she’s just a trip sitter for travis… i miss her on my screen u guys
i know fuck them kids but man flora’s story ☹️☹️ love the affair drama but i never really understood why henry got so much screentime ngl
also iconic moonflower monologue… yeah she did that damie nation we’re up
this is literally agatha all along ep 7 welcome back lilia calderu
also let’s talk about the damage that is mike flanagan ep 5s and how t’nia has carried 2 of them now
yeah i meant what i said… my very long overdue rewatch is happening
not to mention the cinematography? split diopter shots and the looming doorways in the bg (very longlegs) like yes thank youuu