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ryan had no reason to apologise and i have no idea why taylor is so whipped for Monsieur Mid. also god her french is awful 😭 the storyline was dragged on for way too long. ryan and taylor as a couple are above the way the writers wrote them.

The O.C. (2003)

S04 E12 · The Groundhog Day
taylor has been pissing me off lately for the first time in ages. the cohens are adorable once more. ryan is the funniest on this show.

The O.C. (2003)

S04 E06 · The Summer Bummer
funny as hell. i love ryan and taylor, especially the way he’s so relaxed around her. im glad marissa’s gone but they could’ve just sent her off to sea or something 😭

The O.C. (2003)

S02 E14 · The Rainy Day Women
cracks already showing with marissa and alex. sethmer getting back together in the cutest way. squeaky-voiced boring lindsay finally leaving.

any woman who trusts caleb nichol is a stupid bird. i need ryan and his auntie to break up yesterday. marissa and alex are aggressively low-vibrational and i say this as a lesbian, it’s not going to end well. sandy has no reason to lie to kirsten but idc about them. at least sethmer is advancing.

finally marissa got the lashings she deserved. ryan wasn’t perfect but i truly cannot stand marissa. this girl is dumb as rocks and she needed intensive therapy before she could reenter society. everyone just overlooks her flaws because she’s pretty yet relatable or something idk. maybe she’ll be be

very good but too many unnecessary flashbacks and repetitive scenes. it could’ve been edited down to 14 episodes.

fine, 5 stars, but i’m going to be really mad if the IASIP version of this doesn’t give us a truckload of what dennis was up to

sorry i hate lynette she’s so aggressively millennial and boring

going through all that AGAIN is crazy to say the least, bro thinks he’s katniss everdeen

the colour grading is so House MD pilot and the character is so jeff winger (with glenn howerton playing him i can’t pretend i don’t love it)

the actor playing Stephen is scottish-peruvian ik but he looks and sounds sooooo SO english-desi… like that’s literally former prime minister of pakistan Imran Khan

i’ve had so many complaints over the course of watching this show (and it took me months and months to finish it btw) but christ that ending… i would do the same for my sister. also when i saw someone say there would be Long Live playing, i was worried it would be overkill but i was so wrong like it

misia and pampinea are sooo pearl and rose quartz WHAT huh who said that?

blake moran i love you forever

her kids are still unbearable. stevie is slightly better now at the white house and with dmitry. alison is the worst.

the pakistanis are finally speaking in urdu! they finally seem actually desi!

close enough, welcome back young hugh dancy

this show is a bit dumb sometimes. why was the pakistani prime minister speaking with a vaguely middle eastern accent? why were his citizens yelling at him in arabic and not urdu? just so many off things here and there. could be solved with some research to keep things believable.

boymomism is a dangerous condition

sofia you exploitative little prick

Ugly Betty (2006)

S04 E02 · The Butterfly Effect (2)
i love daniel and betty, every time they hug it’s like i’m being hugged

Ugly Betty (2006)

S04 E01 · The Butterfly Effect (1)
was the ending the best thing that could’ve happened for betty? no but it’s so cute watching daniel look out for her 😭 i love him and claire so much. also this episode for unnerving but it’s on me, i’ve experienced way too many First Days in my life

her family is so selfish sometimes can they shut up 😭 can betty have a LIFE??? this is all part and parcel of a story but the show punishing her with that heart attack is frustrating sorry 😭