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Joined on April 10, 2024


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Ergh, im glad that “twist” is over with. Myles girl, you in trouble

Unnecessary except for the producers who lost control

Normally I’m into the gameplay that AJ shows but he’s just awful, nothing he does is genuine, he gaslights and gives false praise for his own benefit and yes this is a game but this feels like character not game craft.

Very here for the dramatics caused by Myles, but boo that was not the correct way to do that one

You want to live in Taiwan??? I screamed.

The adult mdma usage is so real

Myles my god 🤣🤣🤣

Oh god, the end.

Cruelly real - I’m hooked

He packin’

Australian Survivor (2002)

S12 E12 · "Just What The Doctor Ordered"
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At halfway it’s just not half as good

This had its ups and downs but was predominantly well done. Penultimate episode much better than finale, but still hooked for season two.

Paradise (2025)

S01 E08 · The Man Who Kept the Secrets
Ok I am not about the ending, but still - when do we get season 2?

I for one do not need a device that grinds bones to dust

Never trust the PTA

What do you call a Labrador that thinks it’s a sheepdog pretending to be a Labrador?

Episode of the season. Shoulda shot Sinatra.

The Real Housewives of Sydney (2017)

S03 E02 · Noosa Nights, Not Noosa Fights
8 housewives is hectic

The White Lotus (2021)

S03 E03 · The Meaning of Dreams
Ok ok, I feel like this tension is building

We are getting too much Saxon time

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This is so uninteresting at this point

Does anyone on either of these tribes actually have any idea that they are on Survivor? Except for maybe Paulie.