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dudeee 😭 this show has me gone because what is this?!? modern adults cosplaying as 80s teens sigh.

this finale was everywhereeee and not in a fun way 😭 i feel like there were so many interesting ideas going on for this season but i feel the culmination of trying to get it all to interconnect really didn’t work out so perfect. THE JET EXPLOSION????? neal crying when saying peter was the only who

SOOO much going on here 😭 a wasp flew in and terrorized me mid episode and then i was terrorized some more. hoyt is 28. 28?!?!!? and jessica is just 17 omg.. also sookie just nearly got raped at the end of this episode? and arlene is scared she date raped terry? lawd what a mess. and i’m reallyyy n

perhaps boringgggg. but teamwork is the dreamwork! and really this is just a psa that botulism is deadly and we should all be scared of it. even from eating bad soup.

it’s getting messy up in that office. casey slept with sally who’s sleeping with gordon who’s dating dana who’s in love with casey who’s in love with her…. gotcha! now i’m observing that whenever dan and casey get to talking about women they seemed sooo annoyed with each other. but it’s like ok if y

Sports Night (1998)

S01 E15 · Dana and the Deep Blue Sea
ok. time to admit i’m exhausted of the romance plots in this show 😭 can i get some drama please?? some real drama that actually matters. or least a little homoerotic subtext. we were onto something good but somehow now we’re lost in the sea of relationships…. i get it but i need MORE! also i love d

Miami Vice (1984)

S01 E05 · Calderone's Return: Calderone's Demise - Part 2
truthfully not very good!!! underwhelmingggg dare i say. car chase scene was fun though. i honestly just hate 1 dimensional romances like this. so he saw angelina and liked her but there was not “something about her” 😭 they barely even had a real conversation. no dinner or nothing before they were

so we just have to live with the fact that they have wronged kevin senselessly since he introduced in s7 and he gets no sound ending just another tortuous one…… i feel like strangling someone. kevinnnnnnnn. he deserved so much more :-( rewatching this season is literally crazy though. cause nothing

Due South (1994)

S02 E11 · We are the Eggmen
we are the eggmen. nothing really interesting about this one except for the EXTREME sexual tension between thatcher and fraser omg…. and the fact that they were stuck together in an incubator together which parallels the time fraser and ray were stuck in the meat cellar together.

not super interesting ep but i do wonder about inspector margaret thatcher. who named her maraget thatcher when prime minister maraget thatcher already existed. why is she so mean to fraser at work even if she doesn’t like him. i know he feeling her cause the the truth is that fraser loves a mean wo

Due South (1994)

S01 E12 · A Hawk and a Handsaw
to be real i don’t care much for pysch ward episodes but i did like the fraser monologue about recognizing his dad’s depression because he grew a beard and didn’t take care of himself. also the real theme of this episode: big pharma is evil me thinks

House (2004)

S03 E03 · Informed Consent
yayyyy back on my house grind once again 👍🏽 booooo none of the writers are ever normal about house and young girls 👎🏽 best scene was house saying “i’m proud” to allison while she was in the chapel… yes i’m touched this is friendship at its finest. very mixed thoughts about powell radiating babie

this one was too crazy 😭 soooo much to comment on. does wilson normally pick house up for work or did he sell his car to buy the motorcycle which he doesn’t ride to work??? plus house LOVES the motorcycle gang jacket lmaoooo but onto more important things: you mean to tell me i just watched allison

very weird happenings going on…. mainly with the 12 year old girl so sick from being pregnant and then getting an abortion. without her parents knowing but also what kind of parents let their 12 year old daughter travel around the country alone with a male coach wtf. but also. i think it’s time i ju

chase is never getting redeemed after this episode idc idc. he’s sick fr bodyshaming a 10 year old girl and consistently blaming it on her when what she was suffering from wasn’t even her fault. like i cannot even look at him the same. really everyone was tweaking this episode except foreman because

Star Trek (1966)

S02 E14 · Wolf in the Fold
i feel like this one had so much potential but it wasn’t explored enough sigh. how is it that of all people on the crew jim always jumps to dispose of scotty first LMAOOOO?? cause for a second there he was like “no yeah i think he might be a real woman hating murderer” and that killed me. love how e

Star Trek (1966)

S02 E02 · Who Mourns for Adonais?
a little bit boring tbh but raises a cool idea about mythology and gods actually being super powered aliens on a power binge. mr scott was down so bad…. she’s just not that into you </3 chekov my beloved. he’s just some young guy on the team who’s witty and a genius and i appreciate him for that. bu

aka jim kirk gets beat up by a bunch of kids. mostly kids because the oldest boy was NOT 12 or 13 btw. he looked 40 with 3 kids and a mortgage. not sure about jim’s whole persuasion to egg on miri’s crush in order to gain her trust though. i can’t stand spock he’s always saying stuff in the flattest

Star Trek (1966)

S01 E07 · What Are Little Girls Made Of?
definitely weird but not necessarily in a good way. there’s a lot going on but i have to note ruk kinda looks like handsome squidward. this was most devastating to christine AND spock because obviously it hurt his feelings being called a half breed. love the weird purple pink lighting the cave was s

angela theme song 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 fatshaming women 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽 (booooo!) but alas… there is only so much to expect from a show in the late 70s. outfits ate in this one though. good for latka he just won the 2023 equivalent of 9000 dollars 😭

Supernatural (2005)

S02 E18 · Hollywood Babylon
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Supernatural (2005)

S02 E02 · Everybody Loves a Clown
ellen? first mention of THEE ellen harvelle? there’s just so much to dislike about john. he had friends!!!! he knew hunters who liked him and who could be friends with him yet he drove himself to solitude in the end. omg jo… my beloved… sam is making peace with his father now that he’s gone and proc

cue the 2000s teen girl makeover montage. dean making fun of sam’s latte but he definitely drinks black coffee cause he doesn’t know how to order anything else. love the little details though. cause sam would know how to have a little luxury like that living in cali compared to dean. THEE hook man??

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