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Joined on April 6, 2023


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Star Trek (1966)

S02 E16 · The Gamesters of Triskelion
very odd me thinks… the gang gets put in slavery. uhura casually getting sexually assaulted??? jim constantly get whored out cause why didn’t he have a shirt on. everyone else had a shirt on and this man is walking around SHIRTLESS for no other effect than showing off his core. also weird he was ess

Teen Wolf (2011)

S05 E04 · Condition Terminal
i’m honestly starting to hate this little goofy show to be honest but i will bear to the end one episode at a time. i did fall asleep in the middle of this but i DID notice that malia now realizes she didn’t kill her family being a werecoyote no it was her crazy mom that drove them off rode instead

this is like scooby doo if it was a goofy teen show with characters who suck at hiding. stiles turn off the flashlight. why can nobody whisper??? why didn’t they run right away when they trapped the alpha??? so many questions to be answered but ultimately the answer is that this is just tv. sigh. no

okay i’ll be real i can’t remember what happened this episode because i watched it before i fell asleep BUT derek literally kind of sort of dying??? huge thumbs down. i know he’s not gone but also i was so right about the vet being the alpha. stiles and scott wouldn’t survive in a horror movie for m

Teen Wolf (2011)

S01 E02 · Second Chance at First Line
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this is a sitcom to me <3 this show is trying its hardest to be dramatic but i just can’t follow like they want to me to. for starters what kind of maniacs are scott and stiles that they hear there’s a dead woman chopped in two halves in the woods and they automatically think, “yeah i have to go see