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Joined on February 3, 2022


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You know that comment a screenwriter made about how they were asked to write dialogue describing what characters are doing so someone only listening knows what is going on... this show is so guilty. It is also guilty of poor planning. They tell the same plot point twice sometimes because it seems th

Why does Disney have to add magic? This could’ve been really good if she was actually just a Jack Sparrow type but relying on a tiny man fairy is the exact opposite of feminism Mr. Mouse.

This season just felt a bit boring. Rehashed villain, new storylines that didn’t advance anything. Weird cameos. Just kinda dumb.

Very wholesome. Some were better than others. Just kinda average all around. The sentiment was really nice.

It gets better… right? To be fair, the last episode was well done but usually it takes a couple years for shows to run out of normal ideas but this went to hyena possession before even hitting double digits. I’m not even gonna touch on all the Joss Whedon stuff.