really respect the placing of this episode amongst the rest, so visually stunning and just heartbreaking and breathtaking all in one… 🙏 props to whoever wrote this!
the way half of these couples were CLEARLY not feeling their pairings from the moment they laid eyes on each other just goes to show that love is in fact NOT BLIND!!!
jimmy is gen so narcissistic cause he really strung both girls along till the VERY last minute and didn’t allow jessica the opportunity to seek out other connections because he honestly GAVE her that reassurance that she was his #1 time and time again??? like what?
when will the men learn that the whole point of this show is that love IS blind????? girl go somewhere else if physical attraction is that important to you......
This might me one of the most beautifully shot and directed episodes of television in the 21st century. I was in awe of every angle, every movement, the color contrast. Simply gorgeous.
Insane how Clay can tell AD to her face that he’s not ready for marriage or even a committed relationship and he doesn’t understand why they HAVE to get married and she’s like “that sign can’t stop me cause I can’t read!”
the disbelief i had for that whole exchange between britt and ken!! he did not care at all and she was being vulnerable with him. and he lies saying he feels it with her! dude seriously?! that’s proven nullshit just by the speed he picks his phone back up and then exits the room to go back and get w