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Joined on January 25, 2025


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tyler saying the relationship is over then worrying about if taylor fucking another guy, him and grant are so lucky i don't own a gun

tyler saying "idk why" to why him and taylor never doing fun dates likeee & it's so funny that ashly said 1 bad thing and grant took that and ran, happens every season

Bones (2005)

S04 E14 · The Hero in the Hold
finally an actually good episode and about a plot i was hoping they'd go back to

Bones (2005)

S04 E13 · Fire in the Ice
of course he plays hockey with other men with anger and aggressive problems

Bones (2005)

S04 E12 · Double Trouble in the Panhandle
actually a kinda fun episode but why did sweets have to make it weird

Bones (2005)

S04 E11 · The Bone That Blew
private school propaganda goes crazy

Mark sees right through bs and I love him for that like saying "i'll buy that" to tyler's lame ass attempt to "reflect" and say he isn't "valued" was tooo good

Bones (2005)

S04 E10 · The Passenger in the Oven
the murderer was obvious from the start before the case even unfolded, but i can't lie, this was a cool episode

Bones (2005)

S04 E09 · The Con Man in the Meth Lab
brennan saying military success is more success than the fbi role booth has was one of the dumbest things she's said, and i hate booth

Bones (2005)

S04 E08 · The Skull in the Sculpture
them acting like those two weirdos aren't perfect for each other is crazy

Temptation Island (2025)

S01 E01 · Bring on the Temptation
i am so so happy this was clearly made by those that made the USA network seasons because i just know it pained the netflix people to have to cast attractive successful men for the women & this already is better trashy tv than anything else netflix makes

Bones (2005)

S04 E07 · The He in the She
that whole pronoun debacle was so unnecessary

Bones (2005)

S04 E06 · The Crank in the Shaft
the chair turning out to suck was the only good part

Bones (2005)

S04 E05 · The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
they're weird as fuck for treating zach like he's a regular average person

Bones (2005)

S04 E04 · The Finger in the Nest
brennan is like, what, 35? and went this whole time not knowing animals get put down when they kill people

it was nice seeing ava's avoidant attachment start to unravel

the way crystal forgot her being christian was a reason she wanted the book banned like lol

i haven't laughed like that in so long, hoping for a season two

Bones (2005)

S04 E03 · The Man in the Outhouse
all booth provides me is more reasons to wanna pull the trigger on him

Bones (2005)

S04 E02 · Yanks in the U.K. (2)
maybe, idk, angela shouldn't have kissed her ex

the way the conference was literally just 1 small room says enough

every teacher's first idea would've been to just let them redo it like he does too much sometimes

There was no reason in the world for Frank and Sam to not go in like Adam and Steve wouldn't be constantly going in if it weren't for them

fine for a pilot but the back and forth was annoying