posting this the day after i watched it bc i was mad tired from work
maybe the best episode yet?
i just remember loving this and the ecstasy sequences too
really enjoyable and the gabe claire scenes were tragic
holy underrated what????
the crossroads was such a nice addition that felt apart from all the funeral world- and abraham cameoed so it was cool
i liked the rico stuff and ruth dealing with her feelings
david good as usual
nate tripping was quite hilarious
an interesting show that deals with themes of death, loss and grief extremely well, whilst also touching on darker and more violent niches, such as torture and human testing.
this show was a creative look into time(dimension) travel/ the human consciousness- whichever is the interpretation you’re g
really glad i took the time to watch this part and not drop the show, it was a massive step up from part 1 for sure
the character work this season was so good, and the acting improved massively. the story arc felt more fleshed out and the sets and direction was much more unique
this season also ha
absolutely beautiful omd
homers realisation scene that oa was really oa was just so well acted
all 3 groups linked up at that end with karim and then oa/hap and the BBA boys it was crazy
i feel like it was really heavily alluded to that it would be steve and not BBA, but cancelling it after that