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Joined on March 7, 2023


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Anyone else notice the fake Colin Robinson in the backseat of the car at the end of the episode weird. also great episode

Really enjoyed this season and the life on the farm i knew the peace was going to last long and intrigued to see where they wind up next

The Walking Dead (2010)

S02 E13 · Beside the Dying Fire
Wow Rick really got me at the end with his speech man fr great end to the season

That fight between Shane and Rick was insane. Hands down the best episode of the show so far

The Walking Dead (2010)

S02 E07 · Pretty Much Dead Already
Wow Shane is so unhinged and that ending scene what insane 😳

Shane was so wrong for that

Wow what at tense episode them all under the cars when the walker came through was so cool and that ending 😧

Great first season both the pacing and plot were really good. Also loving that nextflix has a 1.5 speed feature was able to binge watch the first season so quick. About to start the next season rn this show got me invested now

I feel like the CDC could be able to sustain it self much longer than 63 days. That’s how long it been since the disease went to global the scientist said in his recording. But ngl that ending was crazy this show got me hooked in fr

That reunion Rick has with his family.🥺I wasn’t expecting the reunion this early in the show but I’m here for it

Finally starting this show I’m excited to see where this whole long thing will go. Great pilot and intro the world

Really good finale Brains backstory is so interesting

I was not expecting to get Brian’s backstory but I’m really like it so far

Really enjoyed this episode liking the direction the show is going. I’m still wondering where Matthews is at in all of this

Ngl I was not expecting that twist at the end

One of the best episodes of show. I’m glad we got a Ruby focused episode the end was so sweet

The best season on the show fr and it ended so beautifully. A lot of shows that have been on for as long as this one fumble the end but it was wrapped up nicely

Wow it end so well it got me emotional. The whole ending with the ghost on the lane and Karen bring with her son got me 😭 I just Eddie could have been there

Mrs. Mccluskey the women you are ❤️

Why are they putting my girl Bree through this?! 😣

Tom in that wig 💀

Oh no what is the town going to do with all the plumbing “emergencies” that go on in that town. RIP Mike

Simone is stronger than I ever could be

Poor Simone is going through it this episode