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Joined on March 4, 2023


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Havent rewatched but listening to the final Song this Eps so fire and by far the Most Impactful of the whole show

Old Rating: 4.5/5 Peak, as expected

Old Rating: 4/5 Top 2 Most useless Features in Media: - being able to thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite - being able to Change the font color for Your serializd Profile

Old Rating: 4/5 Wow I Always considered this Episode to be overrated by some but after this rewatch it finally clicked. This is so amazing, I truly think that you gotta have some experience with TV to fully appreciate this Episode. That 2nd half is such a Work of Art, every Line of Dialogue is so c

Old Rating: 4/5 Tbh I think the whole Jesse, badgera and skinny Thing is hella stupid, it Just feels extremly weird for Jesse to complain about only making 1.5 Million, doesnt really seem that much in Character for me

Old Rating: 4/5 Great Episode but Jesus man Marie can you stfu๐Ÿซฃ

Old Rating: 4.5/5 Gosh this Episode is so incredible. People Always mention the final Scene but man This Episode offers so much more. I Love how it shifts Tones so subtlety and how it allows room to breathe, even tho the Episode is building up to one of the biggest climaxes of the whole Show yet. I

Old Rating: 4.5/5 Not excactly a downgrade from previous watches this ep was Always fire, I was Just Kinda overrating it on Here. Definetly a high 4, great Episode that creates so much tension and Sets Up next Episode amazingly.

Old Rating: 3.5/5 Im logging this coming from the next two Episodes so to my surprise I dont remember a single Thing from this one and Ive watched it Like a few hours ago. Like I really dont know what to rate this I dont remember having any issues with it but whatever I really Like what they are do

Old Rating: 3.5/5 walt throwing a giant ass plant at beneke's Window will never Not be funny ash

Old Rating: 3.5/5 I.F.T. ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Also I cant be the only one who thinks that the twins are extremly hard to take serious and do Not fit the Show at all. Really Like what they are doing with Jesse so far

Breaking Bad (2008)

S03 E02 ยท Caballo sin Nombre
Old Rating: 4/5 Extremly satisfying Episode to watch

Old Rating: 3.5/5 "There have been other plane crashes, so we ballinโ€ฆ". ~ Heisenburger

Damn I forgot how good this Show is, even in its early Seasons. Loved this Season a Lot on rewatch, I Always liked it but this watch was definetly my best Experience with it yet. I dont wanna explain why I Like it a Lot cause I doubt Theres a single Person Here who hasnt Seen it yet. The only real

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Old Rating: 4.5/5 Not too Sure If I Like this or 4 Days Out more but either way, this is incredible and for Sure one of the Most emotionally striking of the whole Show. I cant decide wether watching Jesse and Jane ruin each other or Walt turning into nothing but a Monster is more horrifying. I real

Old Rating: 4/5 Low 4, very entertaining Episode that elevates the Show to new heights in terms of tension and Acting but at the Same time it does feel a little rushed and cramped together. I feel Like this would have worked better If it was Split in two Episodes and that one Scene also doesnt make

Old Rating: 4/5 Good, expands on Walt really nicely and the Last Scene, while maybe being a little over the top, does feel extremly satisfying. Rest of the Episode is rather Slow and uneventful tho.

Woah Ive never reviewed this fuck I didnt even realize until now. No Idea what to write Here, GREAT Show that doesnt get a Higher Rating because of my weird Attitude of watching at the slowest pace Imaginable which eventually resulted in Me losing track of what was Happening and ultimately me losin

Old Rating: 4.5 this Episode will never Not be one of the most complete in the whole Show this Just has it all its so much damn fun, it Looks stunning and it ultimately works as a study on Walt's Character that pushes His Character in a direction that has been foreshadowed in many instances but I t

Old Rating: 4/5 Great Episode, loads of fun but slightly overrated on here and definetly a peakaboo victim

Old Rating: 4/5 Least favourite so far, Solid but nothing really stood Out to me.

Old Rating: 4/5 this Eps so amazing one of jesse's best fs was lowkey underrating this on First watch

Old Rating: 3.5/5 Rather Slow Episode but a great ep for Hank.
