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Joined on September 27, 2022


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Survivor (2000)

S11 E14 · Thunderstorms & Sacrifice
crazy how i started the season rooting for steph but ended up rooting for danni. i did spoil myself the winner halfway through the season, though, so maybe that had something to do with it. but danni just won me over, i love her!!! i also love it when someone is in the minority and manages to beat t

Survivor (2000)

S11 E01 · Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
holy shit that first challenge was brutal STEPH IS BACK😭🫶🏻 (& bobby jon!!!)

Survivor (2000)

S10 E14 · The Ultimate Shock
ian's choice to step down in the FIC might've been an extremely dumb move, but it said a lot about him as a person imo. i found it kinda endearing. ian and tom beefing after being so close the entire season was entertaining to watch. poor ian couldn't catch a break lmao. katie being chewed out by

they were being so mean to janu, no wonder she was miserable! and she seems so sweet too. i'm glad she got to have a good time before she left <3. i don't blame her for quitting, especially considering it saved steph! steph has nine lives, i swear. bobby jon was right, this girl is invincible lmao.

Survivor (2000)

S10 E09 · I Will Not Give Up
sad to see colby gone, he was fun. he did dig his own grave, though. steph being loved by everyone in koror as she should! i'm rooting for her so hard😭. her arc has elevated this season in a way i did not anticipate at all.

"i'm definitely proud of stephenie, 'cause i think she's honestly probably the top player in the game. i would just tell stephenie just keep on doing what she's doing — i mean, the girl's almost invincible." so true, steph is a LEGEND. i have to stan. the fact that there's been no tribe swaps or m

i can't believe kim has the audacity to complain about her tribemates when she's obviously the most useless one😭 good riddance! "we're not going back to immunity!" angie, you absolute legend. angie and steph CARRIED. they don't deserve to be on the loser's tribe. ulong is a mess! i'm really enjo

Survivor (2000)

S10 E01 · This Has Never Happened Before!
sending two people home before the first challenge even takes place is BRUTAL. the fact that it was a schoolyard pick makes it even harsher, oof. i love nerds so i can't help rooting for ian. i'm also liking koror so far. ulong fumbled that challenge in every sense of the word. shoutout to them ta

Survivor (2000)

S09 E11 · Surprise and... Surprise Again!
ami having a girlfriend too? this episode said lesbian rights! "i love my girl!" 🥹💘 jokes aside, it's not surprising that we don't get to see as much affection between gay couples since it was the early 2000s, but i do wonder if it was edited out or if the couples were just more reserved. sad e

Survivor (2000)

S09 E03 · Double Tribal, Double Trouble
what a fun twist! back-to-back immunity challenges, both tribes going to their own TC, individual immunity that they'll then have to give to someone of the opposing tribe and time spent with said tribe in order to make a decision. the women are really carrying this season entertainment wise, huh? g

the individual immunity idol is so cool

CHRISTA ????? god, what an absolute legend. osten sucks, why is he still here? pelican pete ate him up!!!! rip balboa :(