Backdrop poster for Yellowjackets (2021)
Yellowjackets (2021)
Poster for Yellowjackets
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misty telling shauna she’s a bad friend and then shauna immediately leaving her dying friend at the hospital in the middle of nowhere with no vehicle 😭 girl you’re never beating the deadbeat allegations also melissa and gen death CONFIRMED got me. i feel like melissa is probably going to get like sepsis or some shit from that arrow wound. also not to be a hater, but do what must be done to kill joel mchale as quickly as possible. i reallyyyyyy don’t want another man taking up their screen time


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need misty to push him off that cliff so badly. BC why is he trying to shoot her, she’s one apple tall and a MINOR 🙄
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misty needs to feed her ‘pushing-people-off-a-cliff’ instinct 😫😫😫
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He’s trying to shoot her because they fuckin cut up coach Ben and they all deserve to die 😭
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They will never make me love Shauna, I felt sorry for her at the beginning the more the episodes develop I am taking contempt for her
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Same here, Shauna had my sympathy for parts of season 1 and that’s it
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That comment about Joel mchale is strange. The wilderness scenes have become quite repetitive and the arrival of these adults actually puts some excitement back into it.
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Also it’s Joel Mchale, he’s not some no name actor so I’d get used to him being around.
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don’t push him! that’s there way home. I also still like shauna. i’d have left misty too. she’s awful
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@lilgumibear Shauna is absolutely unbearable for me. Teen Shauna is worse but adult Shauna is still bad.
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teen shauna is pretty bad but also probably has a ton of trauma from the baby and stuff so i’m trying to give her a pass. but adult shauna seems nice-she’s trying. I find misty to be insufferable. still relieved that adult natalie is gone. love teen Natalie though.
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@lilgumibear the trauma excuse is valid but she still did Jackie unbelievably wrong. That was some messed up shit. I actually like adult misty quite a bit (maybe due to Christina Ricci’s performance) so we’ll disagree there.
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I do love christina ricci. I like misty when she’s with walter. they’re a perfect little couple.
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