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Joined on December 28, 2024


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yummy yummy fingahhh nyam nyam nyam

I cried and i still am crying and most likely will continue crying until season 3 comes out. This was so, so beautiful and the final episode had me whining like a baby man ugh. The cinematography is off the roof crazy good insane hole mole. The acting, naked gabriel, how the angels and the demons ar

This was such a beautiful, funny show. I loved it so much man i'm giggling like crazy. Thank god I came across this show because no way I would've gone on with life not having watched it. I love Azeriphale and Crowley :(. So glad to know there's a season 2 #blessed

Dropped cause Annalise was being annoying at the end of episode 3 and i've decided to not push myself through shows with characters that annoy me. #selflove

Oh my god this has turned into one of my favorite shows. I love this series so much and all the characters in it. Ken can suck my huge dick and Mona, oh my god i wanna give her the biggest hug ever. The rainbow haired girl is hilarious and I LOVE that she's on Earth. I love everyones character impro

This was SOOOO GOOODDD!! I love mysteries and an intriguing plot but it never occured to me to watch a show with a complex plot that isn't horror, lol. So watchign this was so AARGHHHARFARFARF so good bro and every episode was just so good. Loved the pacing, tHE ACTING UFFFFF!!! everything, EVERYTHI

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Dropped it cause i read that eventually the writers wrote some bad representing LGBT+ lines that was meant to make fun of the community. There were quite a few scenes just like that, saaaurr not watching anymore.

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this might literally be one of my favorite shows man. Based on the ending of season 2 it's a guarentee that there'll be a season 3!! (i hope please don't get cancelled, pleasepleaseplaseplaesepalseplezsepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) anyways, LOVED IT. VERY FUNNY AND VERY CUTE.

words might literally never describe how much I love this show??? hello. literally suffering right now because this series was so good I can't watch another one without feeling bored. Hannibal was literally exactly what I wanted to watch. It gets scary sometimes but there's never any jumpscares, no

stayed up all night watching this. literally so, so good and they act so well, too.