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Joined on January 1, 2022


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Horny Lambchop episode top tier

what if your innie was in a marching band for their job?

This season felt lackluster compared to everything that came before it, but it had some bright moments. S2 and 3 and some eps throughout the series will probably go into my regular rewatching rotation, but not sure I'd watch the series all the way through again.

The way I would have squealed and given away the whole game if The Alan Cumming touched my shoulder.

this show will be going on the rewatch rotation. definitely a more serious and somber tone to this season and I kind of wish they had left it light and fun.

"Frasier, I've always dreamed of looking in the library card catalogue and seeing my name under 'mental illness'"

Don't think I'll continue the show, but Quentin Tarantino is the most WTF casting I've seen in years.

Holtz and his sexy ass voice

every storyline is a joyless depressing slog that the ending feels like a gasp of relief

S2 was a massive downgrade from S1. The writing was worse, the acting was worse and characters who were smart an episode or two before would then be dumb as rocks. And why would anyone care about the origin story for the pez dispenser?

everything they put the baby in was adorable

I want a bra, okay?! A bra! We-we want a bra! I WANT A BRA!!!

I thought people would be more concerned with who Gossip Girl is, but I guess not.

the season that dares to ask how many innocent people can die because of dumb decisions made by SVU detectives

5 stars for the way 001 looked at 456

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dnf at s1e4 i have not laughed once and i am annoyed by pretty much every character. i like barbara though, but not enough to continue

haven't read the source material and don't intend to, but I think the fact that they have a finished series to draw from makes me less anxious about whether this show will stick the landing.

I'm at least intrigued for a S2 cause I'm not sure where it goes from here. If it doesn't end up getting a S2, this is one that can stand on its own.

"Ma'am, it's illegal to deface public property." "This man said he loved me and I caught him eating another woman's pussy." .... "Carry on, ma'am."

This season had a lot of problems, but they threw Kevin Smith in front of my face enough times that I didn't care.

what a terrible last season. i know it's not sabrina the teenage witch and her aunts, but I miss the aunts. and that finale was truly awful.

i'd watch the hell out of legally blonde starring zach galifianakis