I love Nate’s scenes at the end of the season when he’s talking to the girl saying every day is a gift and he’s embracing he has another day to live as he looks around, smiles and sees people at a gathering , a great contrast to the ending of the pilot episode when he’s looking at people go by and f
I’m not big on the show so far due to me only enjoying a select few of the characters ( Sawyer is the goat and Locke is great) there is a lot of potential though like Jacks dynamic with Sawyer and tension between Jack and Locke that’s been rising, excited to see what they will cook up.
This season h
I’ve no idea what I was thinking rating this very low on my first viewing but I’ve always felt I should give it another shot and I’m glad I did.
A show that’s easy to connect with and I love the characters, they feel so real and deeply flawed that’s my jam.
The Todd storylines holds the show back a
Lovely ending which got me in my feels but slightly struggling to get through s3 so far but it has its moments of beautiful writing. I do love the addition of Miguel , his dynamic with Dexter is great and has been the highlight of the season
This is my second time rewatching an episode since I finished the show 2 years ago and both have been 10/10….
Such a beautiful episode that I personally connected with
“My mother, she knew what it's like to feel your entire life like you're drowning with the exception of these moments, these very rare, brief instances, in which you suddenly remember... you can swim.”
Dexter is a great character those internal monologues hit.
I really like the premise of the show I think it’s interesting and lots can be done with it which makes me excited to continue watching.
The music is soo good also.