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Joined on February 9, 2023


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jackie is lowkey the best friend anyone could have jesus christ im finally understanding the jackie hype

what i call perfection

cold COLD !!!

episode 2 and bros a serial killer already

i only started this cause i'm in love with roh jae-won but HOLY SHIT. HOOOOLYYY SHIIIIITTT.

last boss lowkey the hottest mf ive ever seen

this show was so magical ho em gee i start crying just seeing these characters young

gregory and janine are so cute i can't wait for them to kiss (says person on episode 2 out of a 4 season show)

i literally cried because teachers are the most important people in the world and i miss my fave one so much

forgot to loggg anyway squid game 2 is full of flaws ill ignore because its not leaving my autism brain and i love it NAMGYU LOML

so when do 456 and 001 fuck because this tension is crazy

i love this mads mikkelsen lookalike

i cried so hard 40 minutes out of 1 hour i had to take deep breaths from a paper bag

that scene of gi hun and the recruiter playing at the motel was SO FREAKY. hate sex could've saved them

oh sansa my baby someday youll be free from that bitchass family of blondes i promise. robb my goat king in the north. DAENERYS STORMBORN OF HOUSE TARGARYEN OF THE BLOOD OF OLD VALYERIA. I AM THE DRAGON'S DAUGHTER AND I SWEAR TO YOU THAT THOSE WHO WOULD HARM YOU WILL DIE SCREAMING!!!!!! what i call


robb stark WHAT A GOAT sansa's caretaker, arya's teacher and ser barristan made me tear up. ser barristan has been nothing but loyal and they laughed when he left. the people don't value anything.

i'm so mad oh how i hate the fucking lannisters and that cunty bitch (littlefinger)

"he was no dragon. fire cannot kill a dragon" like wow DANY 🔥🔥🔥 TYRION 🔥🔥🔥 NED 🔥🔥🔥 ARYA 🔥🔥🔥 robert 😑😑😑 viserys 🪦🪦🪦 it's so funny to me how ned realizes joffrey is a product of incest. like. OH RIGHT. HE DOESN'T HAVE BLACK HAIR. he's a BLONDE. rhen *realization* lol

eddard stark you have to stop. your heart too full. your honor too great. your kindness too much. theyll kill you

Game of Thrones (2011)

S01 E04 · Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things
catelyn is so freaking cool dgaf she's accusing the wrong man shes coming for the lannisters i hope tjey all dieee!!!!! (really just joffrey and incesttron3000) jon snow i love u so so so much u are so sweet and good everything ned did this episode made me so nervous, dude they are going to GET. H

kinda need ned stark to father me. not even kidding like

catelyn is so great, js an incredible performance by the actress. her scenes are so charged, i cry w every microexpression. she is my favorite, tyrion and jon too everytime i see the lannister incest guy i pause to flip off my screen and make faces at it. cannot stand him. hope he goes out in a hor

THIS IS WHY I HATE BLONDS. INCESTUOUS AND PUSHING LITTLE KIDS THROUGH WINDOWS OH MY GOD. i'm hooked. and harry lloyd is really pretty. the bastard 2. daenerys had my heart broken. so. ik i'm in for a RIDE but this had to happen at some point in my life. general knowledge ig