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Joined on January 3, 2022


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started to lose me after ep 7, but holy fuck did it win me back with that finale!!!!! Adam Scott lowkey one of the best television actors of the 21st century.

honestly? best season yet. THIS is comic book storytelling!

superb. a culmination that both aged with its audience and stayed true to itself. he got back to the past.

and now to pause my first watch of the series for roughly 13 years

REAL TV all-timer of a season finale, my god

“Hope you brought a change of clothes cause your eyes are about to piss tears.” Jean-Ralphio is truly one of the greatest bit parts any sitcom has pulled off this century. Maybe a fringe-y five stars, but I just genuinely can’t think of much more I could want from a single season of a sitcom

great season of television that must be docked a half-star for the Louie CK recurring character insane how Ben and Chris just immediately flip this into the show it’s going to become in two episodes

“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.” Sight & Sound should’ve put it over Get Out tbh

man, this season’s kind of a mess, huh?

genuinely the most platonic ideal for broadcast television it was so cute watching Alex get flustered around Jack D.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Liz Lemon is too powerful, how did we allow that to be broadcast on national television

yeah, Mark Brendanawicz is the wettest of blankets, but this is a pretty great proof of concept otherwise. BOBBY KNIGHT!

we really don’t need to keep doing this

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yep, just had to be sure…Jason Funderberker’s still the perfect frog name

“What do you fear most in the world?” “The possibility that love is not enough.”

If Colin Robinson has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Colin Robinson has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Colin Robinson has only one fan then that is me. If Colin Robinson has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Colin Robinson, then I am against th

Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender

genuinely insane that this works as well as it does