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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked (2010)

S16 E12 · Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve & Talent Monologues
Now i'm craving a banana split 😞. No they did not like the way Onya and Lexi tackled the challenge Suzie, you and Jewels were just not that good 😂. Sam in Untucked: "I'm not blaming Lana", Sam in the confessionals: "I'm still sad i didn't get to work with Lexi" 🤣. Lana was coping fr like 💀, not

RuPaul's Drag Race (2009)

S17 E12 · Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve & Talent Monologues
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I feel like i'm gonna learn a lot about the UK legal system through watching this show. I noticed most of the episode looks like it was shot all in one take, it probably wasn't but it's still impressive nonetheless. I thought Asher D was the same actor that played Mr. Ajayi in Heartstopper at first

If you wanna see my overall thoughts on the show they're on my Letterboxd profile ^^ (

If episode 3 was Owen Cooper's time to shine then episode 4 was Stephen Graham's, if neither of them get an Emmy nomination for their performances this year WE RIOT although i fear this being a mini series hurts their chances 🥲. Not all bad kids are products of bad parenting and not all bad parent

Ok now Erin Doherty is LITERALLY the british version of Caitlin Riley and you can't change my mind 🤯. That old security guard was creepy as hell towards her character but i get that it played into what the show is trying to say. Anyway yeah this was definitely the best episode by far, such an inte

Oh so we're doing the whole long shot takes all episodes? nice, i like it. Mr. Malik was giving profesor barco (if you know you know). It's sad that most teachers don't really care about their students beyond just teaching them what the school system tells them to, i get why but they seriously don'

I swear to god Lana already wore something similar to her look this week before, also not gonna lie and i don't mean this in any shady way i'm kinda shocked she has lasted this long in the competition 🙊. Lexi going around constantly filming with her phone was so funny and i get Sam i also HATE bei

RuPaul's Drag Race (2009)

S17 E11 · Ross Mathews vs. The Ducks
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Suzie's minor face crack when Ru said she was safe 🤭. I will say i love Lexi but GURL, YOUR insecurities aren't ANYBODY'S responsibilities but YOURS. Onya better win the season or get that Miss Congeniality tittle after this episode 👑💅🏻. Lexi making up with Onya while Sam was just next to them

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The White Lotus (2021)

S03 E03 · The Meaning of Dreams
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The difference between Suzie and Sam being like "Girl why are we here? we're never safe" vs Lana's "I'm the queen of Untucked at this point" dynamic was so funny cuz it's true 🤣. Also the girls have been getting ✨️ quirky ✨️ with their bits in Untucked this season (i live for it honestly 🤭). I do

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked (2010)

S16 E08 · The Wicked Wiz of Oz: The Rusical!
I don't blame Lydia for thinking she was going home cuz i honestly thought she could've been in the bottom along with Kori 💀. The safe girls were so crazy today you couldn't take them anywhere 🤪. Sam' attitude was kinda... unwarranted? 😐 like why did she take the girls saying they thought Jewels

RuPaul's Drag Race (2009)

S17 E08 · The Wicked Wiz of Oz: The Rusical!
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The White Lotus (2021)

S03 E01 · Same Spirits, New Forms
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I was LIVING for Suzie's melt down in Untucked 🤣, i will say i agree with her about Lexi's placement like 🤨 ??? i still cannot believe she would be in the top. Kori and Lydia sitting together STOP they're so cute 🥹, Kori admitting she would have sex with Carson though 🫥. I also think Arrietty's

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I'm kinda shocked Lydia, Kori and Lexi were safe just based on the looks that they made not gona lie (especially Lexi 🤐). Lexi's reaction when Hunter came into the room is so me 😭. Her interactions with Lexi and Hormona were so wholesome, as a fellow trans girl i wish i was in there with them 🤧�

RuPaul's Drag Race (2009)

S17 E06 · Let's Get Sea Sickening Ball
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Lana being pressed about being safe like guuurl, cheer up a little bit it's only episode 5! 🙄 No shade i honestly thought Hormona and Jewels could've been in the bottom, sorry! 🤐 You could also make the argument that Suzie could've been in the bottom but maybe that's just me 🤷‍♀️. Arriety going